After watching Alien Vs. Predator, I manage my way back here, go to hook-up, and see Mle's boobies. So I sat there and watched her flash the camera for a short time. So, I guess I'm all in the SG-mode now. Or, was, it seems as one ailment is treated, another rises, and now I suffer again from that charliehorse thing.. You know, where the muscle behind your knee feels like it's stretching no matter what? I was standing all day, so it's no wonder I've got one. I'm glad it's not in both legs, that's really bad. The worst is when it hurts til I'm in tears. Next time it happens, we're going to the doctor because if they get so painful that I'm bawling my eyes out for hours, something must be wrong, right? Maybe my body really finally wants to gain some more height, but is unable due to skin restrictions.
Ignoring the leg issue, I was reminded this morning that I'm not the perfect daughter every mother hopes for. I went into work a half hour early and sat in the bathroom with some paper towel because we're too lazy to buy tissues for christs sake. What a nice way to start the day. It makes one wonder if they're really ever going to be perfect for anyone, since they keep getting reminders every so often.
I feel bad about last night. We came home from the fish fry, and I guess I fell asleep on the couch for an hour and a half.
I even slept through the noisy departure of my sister and chris. Which saddens me, although we will be seeing them for church and 'brunch' tomorrow. Another thing I hate about church is the sit-stand-sit-stand-sit-stand every fucking minute. Must I use the excuse 'I'm taking a shit' so I can sit while you stand and 'praise the lord'? I promise next time I'm pinching one off, I'll be sure to yell god's name. For help, even, and I'll praise him for the accomplishment afterwards.
I'm sorry, but.. I just can't help but find humor in everything about church. No offense to anyone. They just forced me too much.
In other news, I seem to be over-filling the bra now.
Or just about.. Not complaining or anything, but.. Jeez, it looks bad when I sit there and play all day..
"We know..they bounce..Stop it.." It's funny, though, how people do notice when you try to cop a feel on yourself.. I know everyone does that. I'm not that awkward.
I bought my ticket today!
They went on sale at 10 am. And by 5, I was worrying there'd be none left. I know, I'm dumb. They were $18 each, and I got one, but the service charge was $6.75!
But, I have a ticket.. If only I knew where to..Hah.. Kidding. Sort of..
Surprise, surprise, yours truly, ms. crankypants, does not have to work tomorrow. We're closed - what a miracle! It's nice, getting two days off on a weekend...
So this is what a weekend used to feel like? I had forgotten.
Other than that, I'm feeling a lighter side of sadness, and I'm still tired, but not as bad as yesterday! The depression kind of rode through the day with me, deep as when I woke up, due to said mothers comment. Plus, I'm disturbed and feel like a real bitch, but I don't want to talk about that. I need to go get some sleep, so I might be on later, might not.. Depends, I guess. I no longer sleep with the light on. Well, no, depends if this knee problem keeps me from sleeping..
And people, please comment if you want my friendship. Thank you, come again.

Ignoring the leg issue, I was reminded this morning that I'm not the perfect daughter every mother hopes for. I went into work a half hour early and sat in the bathroom with some paper towel because we're too lazy to buy tissues for christs sake. What a nice way to start the day. It makes one wonder if they're really ever going to be perfect for anyone, since they keep getting reminders every so often.
I feel bad about last night. We came home from the fish fry, and I guess I fell asleep on the couch for an hour and a half.

In other news, I seem to be over-filling the bra now.

I bought my ticket today!

Surprise, surprise, yours truly, ms. crankypants, does not have to work tomorrow. We're closed - what a miracle! It's nice, getting two days off on a weekend...

Other than that, I'm feeling a lighter side of sadness, and I'm still tired, but not as bad as yesterday! The depression kind of rode through the day with me, deep as when I woke up, due to said mothers comment. Plus, I'm disturbed and feel like a real bitch, but I don't want to talk about that. I need to go get some sleep, so I might be on later, might not.. Depends, I guess. I no longer sleep with the light on. Well, no, depends if this knee problem keeps me from sleeping..

And people, please comment if you want my friendship. Thank you, come again.

No, I have never bleached my hair. I am to lazy to go through that whole process.