I'm going to open up a jelly belly factory with my co-worker Rhonda, and we're going to come up with names like 'bloody piss', 'pussy', 'green poop', 'bleeder', and etcetera. For about two hours, it was a very slow day, we had jelly bellies spilled out on the counter and came up with new names as we ate..and ate..and ate..and fed eachother disgusting combinations (black licorice, which I can't stomach, with cotton candy..
). Jelly bellies..mostly are the best.. Especially my favorites, though I don't know what they're called. Well, 'splotchy shit', but..they taste better than that..
My mother told me how her visit to the doctor went. Yesterday, they gave her this nasty stuff to drink, and said don't eat. She had drank the amount she was told before she left, and was supposed to have even more when she got there. Well, as the lady asked her how she felt, how things were feeling, and such, my mom replied that the drink had given her alot, ALOT of gas. As they were walking down the hall to the next destination, my mom accidentally farted when she took a step
. I laughed my ass off for 10 minutes before she could continue her story. See, my mother thinks farting is disgusting and one should only do it in the bathroom
. If not for how open I've been with just about everything about myself (I said just about everything) to my parents over the years, and them seeing me crawl out of my shell about certain things one is expected to be modest/embarressed about, I think she would have been mortified. I trained her well, though,
and she just joked about it.. And actually told my father and I about it (we used to have to drag things like that out of her..then she'd hide because of humiliation). And didn't get angry when I couldn't stop laughing. Ah, yea. Calcium deposit. Vitamin pill. But they have yet to figure out what's causing the damage.
Rhonda and I are also going to conduct an experiment
. After contemplating for over a half hour, we've still yet to actually figure out how one could fuck a dead man. Because when one dies, their body gets all stiff...Hah..stiff..
.. And we figure, if the guy has a hard on..it should definately stay stiff..so it's possible. We're going to get one of our co-workers.. We'll get him hard, kill him, and then she'll do the fucking because I don't do that. Even with a dead man.
We're also going to dissect a dead animals penis to see the inside, and wonder why, when an animal gets hard, the majority of the cock actually comes out of the body..elongate..and for some, plop right onto the ground because it's gone from 4 inches to 20.
We tried to reason foreskin..(got into the circumsizing of animals), but.. take a look at an elephant. Come on. Even a dog. I know at one point in time, everyone who reads this has seen a dogs dick, which is fricken tiny. Though I hope no ones pulled a 'red rocket' with any animal. Well, excluding humans.
Yay for the content of today, because I've been a horny horny hornball, and I refuse to masturbate because I'm getting tired and bored with it. There's only so much I can do, damnit. Fuck that. So, this is when I get so frusterated, that I cry my eyes out and sit in the corner for a few days until it goes away and I stop being a stubborn, bitchy, horny ass.
Valentines Day also equals chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! I suppose the communication between my father and I was a good thing for the holiday. I still get to listen to that one other friend, yippee..
If she dares compare it to my own problems with a certain somebody again, I will snap. They aren't even related issues anymore.
I'm going to have to put order to my life for the next 2 weeks. Papers aren't getting written as due dates are arriving, and books need to be read so I don't go insane. Starting..um..next week..
I'll get a move on things.
Shit is hitting the fan at work, the assistent manager might quit, or be fired. Either way, I know I'm due for a raise now, and there's a possibility I might 'move up'. Not quite what I expected. It'll most likely be between me, and Matt, the one who I occassionally post parts of our conversations in here (this sentence is not proper). There will be some tension no doubt, and the 'friendship' (if I may call it that?) might waver, but I'm sure we'll both also be civil and such about it. And stay comical about the whole thing.
I am already feeling like I can breathe a bit more
. I fell asleep around 1:30 this morning, and woke up at 5:59. And I don't think my fear and depression has been that bad in a awhile. Also, I don't think I've hated myself for falling asleep that bad in a long, long time. I sat on the couch in the living room, and looked out into the street, and knew I wasn't going to make the sunrise as I had been planning for the past month
. It was a quiet ten minutes. Later, I walked into class..and walked right back out after panicking. I walked around..and went back in. Went to work, at first wished I could just go home, but the day proved to be alright after all.
My brand new twenty dollar 2-disc Fifth Element dvd I got? The special Features disc is now sort of scratched/clouded/printed up, thanks to you know what
. He tried to jump up (landed on the disc), got freaked, fell back, and his back claws made some music on wood desk and plastic. I hope the specks aren't bad, and I can clean the disc so it looks almost new. I was ready to punch that cat. Still am. It's spilled many things here, and does not learn to stay down, when everytime it jumps up, I pick it up and set it on the floor.
He's too spoiled, and because he's a cat, he doesn't realize we have to work on that.
God, I should go write a book now or something..
Heh.. I didn't finish this entry without another issue surfacing between the father and I. Honestly, what am I doing wrong? I just sat here for an hour, typing, and laughing. What the fuck?
My mother told me how her visit to the doctor went. Yesterday, they gave her this nasty stuff to drink, and said don't eat. She had drank the amount she was told before she left, and was supposed to have even more when she got there. Well, as the lady asked her how she felt, how things were feeling, and such, my mom replied that the drink had given her alot, ALOT of gas. As they were walking down the hall to the next destination, my mom accidentally farted when she took a step
Rhonda and I are also going to conduct an experiment
Yay for the content of today, because I've been a horny horny hornball, and I refuse to masturbate because I'm getting tired and bored with it. There's only so much I can do, damnit. Fuck that. So, this is when I get so frusterated, that I cry my eyes out and sit in the corner for a few days until it goes away and I stop being a stubborn, bitchy, horny ass.
Valentines Day also equals chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! I suppose the communication between my father and I was a good thing for the holiday. I still get to listen to that one other friend, yippee..
I'm going to have to put order to my life for the next 2 weeks. Papers aren't getting written as due dates are arriving, and books need to be read so I don't go insane. Starting..um..next week..
Shit is hitting the fan at work, the assistent manager might quit, or be fired. Either way, I know I'm due for a raise now, and there's a possibility I might 'move up'. Not quite what I expected. It'll most likely be between me, and Matt, the one who I occassionally post parts of our conversations in here (this sentence is not proper). There will be some tension no doubt, and the 'friendship' (if I may call it that?) might waver, but I'm sure we'll both also be civil and such about it. And stay comical about the whole thing.
I am already feeling like I can breathe a bit more
My brand new twenty dollar 2-disc Fifth Element dvd I got? The special Features disc is now sort of scratched/clouded/printed up, thanks to you know what
He's too spoiled, and because he's a cat, he doesn't realize we have to work on that.
God, I should go write a book now or something..
Heh.. I didn't finish this entry without another issue surfacing between the father and I. Honestly, what am I doing wrong? I just sat here for an hour, typing, and laughing. What the fuck?
A couple X-Mas's ago my uncles dog got exited with my little cousin and started trying to "jump" him. It was funny as hell, especially as my cousin was too young/stupid to relize what the dog was trying to do.