You know what's funny? When you're driving home from work, let out the hugest fart, and have to crack the window for yourself.
That should have been a record. Had I not been driving, I would have been rolling around in laughter (after gasping for fresh air). But it had been five and a half hours of nonestop work; what else can you expect. Things build up.
So that friend I mentioned before might chicken out and bail on me tomorrow night. Thank god I didn't make any other plans.
What are friends for. People need to stop cancelling on me last minute/day before, because I pass up other opportunities for them. It's not a nice gesture on their half, especially when I'm doing a favor for them.
Matt: Hey, did you see the new girl that got hired?
me: Ummmmm, yes. Why?
Matt: Well, she's a dyke. Actually, a bull-dyke. Ask Ryan! *points across at Ryan* He told me that he saw her once, while he was bowling with some friends, and she came up and hit on his one chick-friend all night, that's why she's a bull-dyke. She took charge! *winks* *leaves*
me: *laughs* Yea, okay.. *waits for it*
Matt: *returns 2 minutes later* You know, *insert my real name here*, if you want me to, I can go get her number for you, it's no biggie!
me: I knew you were going to say that.
We have yet another new chick at work, obviously. Julianna or something. I'm going to pull my hair out. No more women, damnit!
We also got off a half hour early, because some air thing broke. Ooh, a whole half hour.
I think I was the only displeased one.
So. I'm not sure what to think. Obviously 'all ages' does not go under 18 (right?), but..I don't know.
Due to this dilemma, I think it might be time to actually join some groups like I've been prodding myself with a cattle iron to do. Apparently I like burning myself.
But really, I should try to climb out of this anti-social shell and meet new people.
I am so hungry. Someone feed me. We have no food. Tell my face to stop breaking out, it's not funny, and tell my fingers to stop picking the scabs. It's not pretty.

So that friend I mentioned before might chicken out and bail on me tomorrow night. Thank god I didn't make any other plans.

Matt: Hey, did you see the new girl that got hired?
me: Ummmmm, yes. Why?
Matt: Well, she's a dyke. Actually, a bull-dyke. Ask Ryan! *points across at Ryan* He told me that he saw her once, while he was bowling with some friends, and she came up and hit on his one chick-friend all night, that's why she's a bull-dyke. She took charge! *winks* *leaves*
me: *laughs* Yea, okay.. *waits for it*
Matt: *returns 2 minutes later* You know, *insert my real name here*, if you want me to, I can go get her number for you, it's no biggie!
me: I knew you were going to say that.
We have yet another new chick at work, obviously. Julianna or something. I'm going to pull my hair out. No more women, damnit!
We also got off a half hour early, because some air thing broke. Ooh, a whole half hour.

So. I'm not sure what to think. Obviously 'all ages' does not go under 18 (right?), but..I don't know.
Due to this dilemma, I think it might be time to actually join some groups like I've been prodding myself with a cattle iron to do. Apparently I like burning myself.

I am so hungry. Someone feed me. We have no food. Tell my face to stop breaking out, it's not funny, and tell my fingers to stop picking the scabs. It's not pretty.
well i beet the gams but its ben a wile plus it seems every time i try to do somthing with this pc it gets more fucked! im guna try and get a pic or 2 up today, as far as geting out more? i know what its like to not have a life i work 3rd shift and my days off are (wer) wednesday and thursday, now who wants to go out and chill on a week night? o well im going to update my journal with new stuff yay!

Dude... I think we work with the same people. Somehow.