We all woke this morning with some unkown gloom in the air. I have yet to figure out what it is. It is still lurking, but not as potent.
The parents have people over for dinner/meaningless sports games. So, our family room is occupied and the tv is loud, and here I am, infront of the computer, door closed, surfing the web because I'm such a social freak. Not. With all this company over, I'm feeling mighty ready for a nap! I do have another headache, and I slightly feel like I'm going to throw up. Like last sunday, but not as bad. I was able to work all day, seeing as it was slower than hell. I wonder what I'm doing wrong/differently than I do during the week, that when sunday comes around, I'm feeling so ill? I can't come up with anything, but it seems every sunday, for so long now, I've felt not healthy. And no, it's not a hangover.
But still. Ugh. Temples..ready..to burst..
And yet, I am most faithful to the computer, and so, I sit and type and look and etc.. when I should be napping in the sleeper. Oh, that's right, I'm too lazy to walk ten feet into my bedroom and sleep.
That's okay. When my head hits the keyboard and breaks it, I can take the blame. Oh yea. Not really. But seriously.
I have this gift card from a bank with $35 on it, for me to spend anywhere, anyway I'd like. I'd like to buy myself something off of the internet, but not only do I know not if it will be accepted because it's not in my name (a gift from the grandma, so it could have been given to anyone), but due to my lack of telephono-social skills, I'm too chicken shit to dial the number to activate it in fear that instead of pushing only buttons, I might actually have to talk to someone.
God, not another human! Actually, when I find something online I really really really really want, I'm sure I'll call, and then be disappointed when the card cannot be used online. Such would be my luck.
Why do I always miss a word when I type?
I redid my wishlist at amazon, couldn't find everything I wanted that I could think of on the spot, (god, such pressure!) so now.. All I have to do is figure out how the fuck to get it here. Yea, I know you copy the address into that space on the profile page, but which address? Because if I list it, I don't want anyone and everyone going into MY list and changing MY stuff around in MY account. Only I think after being opened by another user on another computer, the site would make one re-login, right? Gah, what damn address do I use?! Pressure!
In other news
I need opinions. As far as I'm aware, mostly males read this, you poor suckers
but anyway. I want soap. Deodorant. And something I'll mention afterwards (nothing perverted you sickos
Well, to be more specific. I want good smelling soap. There is a soap store around here somewhere. Like actual bar soap, and no, it's not what's on my wishlist.
Seeing as my nose is always stuffy, and when I smell soap to see if it smells decent, I can't tell and it all smells..like nothing. So I'd like to know what everyone thinks is a good soap scent. No, I don't smell terrible unless my deodorant wears off. But instead of smelling like Dove brand soap everyday, I'd rather have my own personal smell (lol), that isn't sweat, or whatever other shit I happen to get on myself. And I'm not a fan of perfume because once you get me in the perfume section of a store, you won't want to drive me home; the many different aromas on one body don't exactly smell well together. You'll die like many other unfortunate souls have due to my merrymaking and wasting. Back to the topic. Soap is easy, comes in many scents, actually is good to soak into your skin (so I hear), and usually lasts longer during a day. There's one thing. I want to smell unique and different from now on
Deodorant. I need a manly mans deodorant
. Because being the small person I am, I can sweat more in an hour than a 300 pound lumberjack who hasn't showered in days. Okay, it's not that teribbly horrible, but, it is bad. And anti-perspirent (sp?!) doesn't do jack shit. It just gets all white and lumpy and rubs onto my clothing, even if it's that invisible gel stuff that isn't really invisible, nor gel. So, name me your best deodorant(s) or other such things, that could possibly work for me. Some lucky man will unknowingly thank you in the depths of his heart one day when he has to spend the rest of his life with me.
The one thing I didn't mention, well, I can't remember what it is anymore.
I should have seen that coming. And damn you, hindsight.
Along the lines of smelling. Today at work, I had to do one thing I haven't done in months. Mainly because I was never trained at it, so when people say to go do it, I'm completely guessing. I have barely ever done it. I think today was my third time. Anyway, this thing was to go and take the customers orders. I know, it sounds so easy and it really is. But I trained myself and haven't done it much ever, so I still have to take my sweet time and think really hard to get the order right. Well, this guy in this truck comes up. I mark it down, and go out to take his order because everyone left me alone and someone had to do it. I walked out, smiled and said hi..and then it hit me. The cologne. Now, since my nostrils were half-frozen from the 5 degree weather, I could only tell that it wasn't that bad, and that he must have it loaded on. I was a few feet from him, and through my horrible nose, I could smell it. As he's telling me this story about how he already paid, but all he got was a receipt, and didn't know what to do so he just pulled his truck around, and handed me the reciept, my mind was elsewhere. Why? Because the damn cologne sent my mind out somewhere that was not in my head. So as we stood there for a minute or two, I could not actually make sense of what he was telling me (nor even think and remember how to do what I was supposed to do when taking orders). Sure, he was talking, and I was responding, and I could understand the words, but nothing processed. At all. Frenzy frenzy frenzy. So finally, someone came out back and in a few short seconds, handled it. And I came back to town, and worked for the rest of the day.
Moral of the story: Cologne confuses me. Or I think I haven't been around enough men to get used to smelling a decent smelling fella and NOT go into a mental frenzy about it.
Oh, and, since it would appear as though I will not be going anywhere for my 5-day weekend that will most likely never happen again, I need ideas on what to do besides go to a porn shop, get a vibrator, whatever else would possibly make me happy, and masturbate my fucking brains out. I do get tired after awhile
. I neeeeed creativity and I neeeeeed to get out of the house for a few days. No masturbating in an abandoned parking lot.
Five-night slumber party anyone? I promise I rock/I'm real awesome once I get past my shyness.
The parents have people over for dinner/meaningless sports games. So, our family room is occupied and the tv is loud, and here I am, infront of the computer, door closed, surfing the web because I'm such a social freak. Not. With all this company over, I'm feeling mighty ready for a nap! I do have another headache, and I slightly feel like I'm going to throw up. Like last sunday, but not as bad. I was able to work all day, seeing as it was slower than hell. I wonder what I'm doing wrong/differently than I do during the week, that when sunday comes around, I'm feeling so ill? I can't come up with anything, but it seems every sunday, for so long now, I've felt not healthy. And no, it's not a hangover.

And yet, I am most faithful to the computer, and so, I sit and type and look and etc.. when I should be napping in the sleeper. Oh, that's right, I'm too lazy to walk ten feet into my bedroom and sleep.

I have this gift card from a bank with $35 on it, for me to spend anywhere, anyway I'd like. I'd like to buy myself something off of the internet, but not only do I know not if it will be accepted because it's not in my name (a gift from the grandma, so it could have been given to anyone), but due to my lack of telephono-social skills, I'm too chicken shit to dial the number to activate it in fear that instead of pushing only buttons, I might actually have to talk to someone.

Why do I always miss a word when I type?
I redid my wishlist at amazon, couldn't find everything I wanted that I could think of on the spot, (god, such pressure!) so now.. All I have to do is figure out how the fuck to get it here. Yea, I know you copy the address into that space on the profile page, but which address? Because if I list it, I don't want anyone and everyone going into MY list and changing MY stuff around in MY account. Only I think after being opened by another user on another computer, the site would make one re-login, right? Gah, what damn address do I use?! Pressure!
In other news

Well, to be more specific. I want good smelling soap. There is a soap store around here somewhere. Like actual bar soap, and no, it's not what's on my wishlist.

Deodorant. I need a manly mans deodorant

The one thing I didn't mention, well, I can't remember what it is anymore.

Along the lines of smelling. Today at work, I had to do one thing I haven't done in months. Mainly because I was never trained at it, so when people say to go do it, I'm completely guessing. I have barely ever done it. I think today was my third time. Anyway, this thing was to go and take the customers orders. I know, it sounds so easy and it really is. But I trained myself and haven't done it much ever, so I still have to take my sweet time and think really hard to get the order right. Well, this guy in this truck comes up. I mark it down, and go out to take his order because everyone left me alone and someone had to do it. I walked out, smiled and said hi..and then it hit me. The cologne. Now, since my nostrils were half-frozen from the 5 degree weather, I could only tell that it wasn't that bad, and that he must have it loaded on. I was a few feet from him, and through my horrible nose, I could smell it. As he's telling me this story about how he already paid, but all he got was a receipt, and didn't know what to do so he just pulled his truck around, and handed me the reciept, my mind was elsewhere. Why? Because the damn cologne sent my mind out somewhere that was not in my head. So as we stood there for a minute or two, I could not actually make sense of what he was telling me (nor even think and remember how to do what I was supposed to do when taking orders). Sure, he was talking, and I was responding, and I could understand the words, but nothing processed. At all. Frenzy frenzy frenzy. So finally, someone came out back and in a few short seconds, handled it. And I came back to town, and worked for the rest of the day.
Moral of the story: Cologne confuses me. Or I think I haven't been around enough men to get used to smelling a decent smelling fella and NOT go into a mental frenzy about it.

Oh, and, since it would appear as though I will not be going anywhere for my 5-day weekend that will most likely never happen again, I need ideas on what to do besides go to a porn shop, get a vibrator, whatever else would possibly make me happy, and masturbate my fucking brains out. I do get tired after awhile

Alright...I'm off to read an actual book! Talk to you later....
Barring actually getting laid, it's what i'd do.