Five hours of sleep in forty hours. I am tired.
Becki and I ended up going down to Chicago yesterday. We had fun. Since Brendon is up visiting from Texas, I gave him a call, we hung out, then we ended up missing the train. So Brendon drove us back up here, and ended up staying overnight. He was supposed to come up today and stay for a night, but..since he was already up here, why waste the cash on gas. He just left about an hour ago.
We saw Hostel today.. My heart was a racing and I was in the back of my seat a few times. I liked it, though, there was less torture than I was expecting. But, the torture that was in it made up for that.
Um. I'm not sure what else. Really. The cat is sick, again, even though we're still giving him the medicine. I really wonder what's up. I hope nothing too bad. I go home sunday, so I'll get to comfort him again. I can't imagine being sick with that damned cold all over again right away. A bladder infection is even worse. Poor thing.
Haven't really had any opportunities for wierd dreams, so can't share anything with you from that.. I'm sure after everything we've watched (Entire Season 1 of Drawn Together, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hostel, plenty of dumb flash cartoons, hours of music videos, plus more I can't think of..), I'll have some wacky ones tonight. I hope they aren't bad.
I can't really think clearly. The weekend time spent with Brendon has been entirely drug free (
surprise!), which was accidental.
His early arrival meant he wasn't completely prepared to come visit yet. Oh well, I'm high on life, man.
I've had a headache all weekend and have been dulling it with Ibuprofen anyway.
Alright. I think I need to sleep. And get a good nights worth of it for once.

Becki and I ended up going down to Chicago yesterday. We had fun. Since Brendon is up visiting from Texas, I gave him a call, we hung out, then we ended up missing the train. So Brendon drove us back up here, and ended up staying overnight. He was supposed to come up today and stay for a night, but..since he was already up here, why waste the cash on gas. He just left about an hour ago.
We saw Hostel today.. My heart was a racing and I was in the back of my seat a few times. I liked it, though, there was less torture than I was expecting. But, the torture that was in it made up for that.
Um. I'm not sure what else. Really. The cat is sick, again, even though we're still giving him the medicine. I really wonder what's up. I hope nothing too bad. I go home sunday, so I'll get to comfort him again. I can't imagine being sick with that damned cold all over again right away. A bladder infection is even worse. Poor thing.
Haven't really had any opportunities for wierd dreams, so can't share anything with you from that.. I'm sure after everything we've watched (Entire Season 1 of Drawn Together, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Hostel, plenty of dumb flash cartoons, hours of music videos, plus more I can't think of..), I'll have some wacky ones tonight. I hope they aren't bad.
I can't really think clearly. The weekend time spent with Brendon has been entirely drug free (

Alright. I think I need to sleep. And get a good nights worth of it for once.
I know a guy in Chicago that is just finishing his Graduate studies in art. We did our undergraduate work togeather. He is a performance artist and a sculptor. I would ask him for any tips on the cool places to go in Chicago but he is pritty weird and the places he might want to go might not be for everyone. For example he had been in Chicago for a few months I think and he did this piece where he was dressed up in a suit and took a large gourd to a train station. He then set the gourd on the bench and taped his head to a post. The cops came and took him away, because he would not break character - he kept claiming that he was a designer or somthing and this was how he came up with new ideas.
I thought it was pritty cool, but then again I was in a piece with him where I was wearing a miniskirt and a little kids shirt screaming our made up punk rock lyrics in a mall. The cops came then too.
Sleep well for tomarow is another day. I am glad you had fun! (or at least I imagine you had fun)
I hope you got a little suggar in your bowl too
Good night