Okay, guys, go thank clarkekid for the gift.
He's spoiling me quite a bit.
Thank you.
Edit: I put that up first so you all could go do your thank yous, I'll be checking who actually did go and thank him as soon as I finish this. You'll get hurt if you didn't.
He also tagged me with that thing..yea..I'll get to it.
I am most definately going back to school tonight, or so we are leading ourselves to believe. I hope it's not a 'let-us-fuck-you-up-the-ass' process of getting back in, since I am supposed to be on thier damn list. And if I'm not, I will be one really angry young women.
In other news.. I am bored. I am going to Chicago tomorrow with Sara and Becki, we're going shopping at Gurnee Mills, so..I'm probably going to be buying things with money I do not have and it's really going to hurt upon arriving back tomorrow afternoon. But what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.
Adding up the cost of my books this morning, I got a total of $448.95, and a few of my courses are still not sure what books they are ordering. If you want to buy me a book, let me know.
I am so not going to get the optional ones. Which should shave off about $100; that is not enough in my world. My parents did give each my sister and I some money to help with her tuition and my housing, so there's a few hundred I save for the shopping trip at the mall.
I really was going to take a picture of the skirt today and then I went to nap and over-slept and didn't feel like taking my pants off when I got out of my warm bed. So, maybe next time.
I also printed off a list of clubs in this town from this list, it was published on December 1st, 2005, so it is kind of recent. Now I get to call them all and ask if they have that damn 21+ age restriction, if there's anyway my sweet little ass could get an exception (because I'm so sweet), and if not, then the little bitch gets to come out and give a piece of her mind. If my entire list of all nine doesn't work out..I'm going to do a whole bunch of drugs and blame it on the clubs.
I kid.
I still have to figure out how to get to the concert next month. Seriously, it's two hours away, anyone could do that. So..I should be able to, too. Actually, the scenarios taking place in my head are going to take miracles, does anyone have any more sane ideas for me?
My uterus is killing me and I left my medication back at school. Hooray for going back! My tampons are also there, something to soak this stuff up would be really nice at this time.

Thank you.

Edit: I put that up first so you all could go do your thank yous, I'll be checking who actually did go and thank him as soon as I finish this. You'll get hurt if you didn't.

I am most definately going back to school tonight, or so we are leading ourselves to believe. I hope it's not a 'let-us-fuck-you-up-the-ass' process of getting back in, since I am supposed to be on thier damn list. And if I'm not, I will be one really angry young women.

In other news.. I am bored. I am going to Chicago tomorrow with Sara and Becki, we're going shopping at Gurnee Mills, so..I'm probably going to be buying things with money I do not have and it's really going to hurt upon arriving back tomorrow afternoon. But what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger.

Adding up the cost of my books this morning, I got a total of $448.95, and a few of my courses are still not sure what books they are ordering. If you want to buy me a book, let me know.

I really was going to take a picture of the skirt today and then I went to nap and over-slept and didn't feel like taking my pants off when I got out of my warm bed. So, maybe next time.
I also printed off a list of clubs in this town from this list, it was published on December 1st, 2005, so it is kind of recent. Now I get to call them all and ask if they have that damn 21+ age restriction, if there's anyway my sweet little ass could get an exception (because I'm so sweet), and if not, then the little bitch gets to come out and give a piece of her mind. If my entire list of all nine doesn't work out..I'm going to do a whole bunch of drugs and blame it on the clubs.

I still have to figure out how to get to the concert next month. Seriously, it's two hours away, anyone could do that. So..I should be able to, too. Actually, the scenarios taking place in my head are going to take miracles, does anyone have any more sane ideas for me?
My uterus is killing me and I left my medication back at school. Hooray for going back! My tampons are also there, something to soak this stuff up would be really nice at this time.
Though honestly it was also just an excuse to take a nice headshot and put funny words in your speech bubble. Because I can, and there's nothing you can do about it.