Here's the one I want:
The one I got is sort of like this:

except it's not that short (give it an inch or two or three or more..), and that picture is from the Lip Service site, but the skirt is what I previously mentioned.
I just found out the skirt I fell in love with is at Hot Topic.

I also saw a dress that tore me up to not get, and I'm kind of wishing now that I bought the dress instead of the skirt. I think it did my boobs justice.. And besides that, I really liked it.

Nope, they don't have it. Someone take me to Chicago so I can buy buy buy the dress! Apparently the TrippNYC online store is jack shit and you can't buy products off it. WTF? I want that dress.

Yesterday (or the day before, I really can't remember!) I took more pictures, since I was home alone, bored, and it was warm! So I looked orange/yellow! And healthy! Not deathly pale and ill and my eye doesn't look like this:

The hooker scarf.

High and Mighty.

I discovered a new setting on the camera by accident and I loved the result.


I am..

I found a new way to take good pictures which is why those all looked awesomely great:

I had the camera and tripod set up infront of a mirror so when I looked in direction of the camera, I could see the screen reflected, to see if I was centered and looking good..

Then the old fashioned way.
All innocent and ethereal.
Oh..can't forget the cat.
I think that's all of what I uploaded.
I'm watching Austin Powers. With the blonde. I'm not too fond of her.
My plans are to go to the Rave tomorrow night, but those plans might not work out because my mom is being stubborn and deciding to not let me have the car. The buses stop running at either 3 or 4 and the thing ends at 4. I hate leaving shows early..
Here's the link, about it and stuff. "genre(s): Dance/Techno" so it better be a good 7 hours worth of good dancing music (can anyone tell me if anyone is good, I'll find out which stage who is at and where that stage is? ). And then I'll walk back.
Kidding! I don't know what I'll do yet.. Maybe when my tolerant mother sees how good I look, she'll change her mind. Because I'll be too busy capturing hearts for the entire 7 hours.
When I say mother, I mean boyfriend, and when I say tolerant, I mean hot.
Blah. Yea, that was lame..
Sorry folks, I'm out of material, unless you want all the bitching I could do, but even I don't want to think about it.