I just woke up, so everything may sound a little blurry because the facts are still floating around. That was quite the long nap I took..

Oh, the holiday..was okay. Saturday night we went to my Aunt Cindys house and realized I forgot to make my cousin Laura a card. I say it was because I was too busy chatting it up with bateman and my putzing on the webcam. Kidding..It's not his fault.

But it's okay, because she had forgotten and made mine on the way up from Illinois.

I talked with my cousins girlfriend alot.. Found out she wasn't able to get into that science class she was going to take, so I'm in there by myself.

"Who are these people?"
"Oh, that's my cousin and his chick..just walk over them, they'll leave when they wake up."
I ended up with a book called "Wierd Wisconsin' and has all these wierd facts about it, haunted places, roadside stops, attractions, myths.. Midgets living in cornfields.

In the gift exchange, a box of Harry Potter jelly bellies came with the book. Now, I'm a fan of jelly bellies. But apparently these were from the movie Harry Potter, with flavors like 'rotten egg', 'vomit', 'dirt', 'soap', 'earwax', and etc.. Tasted like the real thing, too.

Matt only has two looks I'm aware of: a smile, and his military-seriousnesss, whatever it's called. I have also now seen 'completely disgusted with the taste in my mouth'.
We got home at about midnight and depression ensued, right on time. I can't remember much else.
The next day, my sister and chris came over for unwrapping presents. I'll take pictures of each item on me.

One thing I got was a (edit, sorry, bad link, hold on) You know, those hollow ones? My sister and I each got one, mine of course black, and hers blue. My grandma showed up later with my previously mentioned psycho aunt. I was sitting in a chair in the family room, my back to them, and my sister was nestled into the couch with the safety of her boyfriend. This is the grandma that always makes ignorant enough comments that I end up crying by the end of whatever visit it is, including christmas day. She must be getting older, she's lost her stuff, I didn't cry.
Anyway, my aunt walked in, and saw me wearing my scarf. She came up to me, and it was wrapped around my shoulders, and petted it. I got a, "Ooh, this is so nice! Oh, and it's soft, too! This that thing hookers wear!'. I don't think I believed I heard her say that at first, I just remember looking around the room at everyone who was seated with my mouth gaping open as she continued her examination. They all gave me the same look back.
Everyone called me a hooker/floozy for the rest of the day.
I also got into arguments with my father, one which ended up making me retreat into here and then I just tried to avoid everyone even more. Atleast I know my dyke/bitch-friends are allowed in the house now, since I can't get a guy.

I have pictures, but I won't put any up of my family, or try not to. Just incase they don't want to be recognized by strangers.
This was taken weeks ago, so it's not a Christmas picture.. But the rest are.

The black scarf that makes me a hooker. There's my mom, too.

In the safety of the room.

This fella

Sends his loving regards to the world.

Oh. We aso hooked our camera up to our big screen TV and watched the slideshow. No one really looked at what was still on the camera, some were still from summer. Some we saw for the first time.. Um. It ended with a view down my pants.

Let's just say I'm really glad I almost always delete the pictures I take of myself on there.. Well, there were still quite a few, but none obscene. Embarressing, yes..
I was in bed before my parents last night. Today we saw King Kong. Holy wow.. I liked it! I also just saw the preview for Hostel, it comes out on my birthday. Maybe I'll take myself to go see it. I have no plans again, I think I might spend the night in my room by myself again, sleeping again. I haven't celebrated in years, I guess why should I start again now. Each year I just feel shittier because bad stuff always happens. So, say it now because I'm considering removing my birthdate from the left for the day so no one sees..
When the hell did I get so bitter about it, eh?
I am also not doing anything for New Years, again. Unless I call Rhonda and she's got something going on and invites me, it might be another night here wit the parents, like every other year. There are two things going on at the Rave, but they end three hours after the buses stop running, assuming I'd be back at school by then. But I can't decide between the two anyway, of course. Brendon and I have been arguing because he wanted to drive up from Texas to see me for the night and I guess I was being too vague everytime I kept saying 'no' so it turned into this thing, and he started to make it sound like I don't think I'm worth it or some shit.
That's a whole weight that's on my shoulders and it gets heavier with each argument which is so often. Maybe we need a break from the friendship. I honestly don't think he's handling it quite well. It's wearing me down.
I seem to have fucked up most of my friendships with males in the past few months, I'd like to just disassociate myself with both men and women since I'm just terrible with each.
On a happier note, this is what's been on my lap as I wrote this.
Oh... the package has left... it should be there late next week or early the week after that. Don't worry about postage... work picked up the tab.