One and Two and Three and Four and Five and Six and Seven and Eight and Nine.
That last one..yea. I got a little depressed this morning..

I have come up with a response to my family that should keep them happy abut my dating status until Easter.. I'm going to just say there are a few prospects I have my eye on.. Okay, maybe one or two that I sort of am trying to give up on, but it's something.

I did have some wine last night. I said some..

My entire left thigh is really, really sore. Second day in a row. I think maybe I slept on it wrong (or the cat did), but above my knee to my hip joint is just pain. I can't even go down stairs.

Which reminds me, in the next few weeks, we're going to be scheduling my surgery in May. Give me some things to do before the end of May/before I'm bedridden for two months..

No pictuers yet. Although it was a bake oven in here last night (I was being roasted alive), I was scarfing down cookies and very good on the wine, I just didn't get to it. Until then, you'll all have to suffer with pictures of teh pussay.
Which reminds me, the little shit ate some ribbon from someones present this morning..again. The other day, my mother was cleaning out the litterbox and found a 6 inch piece of blue ribbon connected by two turds. How can that not kill them or not tear up their insides? That ribbon feels like it cuts my fingers. Anyway, if I manage to get a glimpse of his next few shits and I see it, I'll take a picture for you guys.
He must spend a long, long time in the litterbox..
I'd invite friends to stop over for Christmas Day tomorrow, since we're not really doing much and people are home for the holidays from all over and many people are also doing nothing, but my psycho aunt is going to be here and I'm going to be slowly dying on the inside til she leaves and I don't want anyone else to actually expire while seeing/listening to her.
I'm going to more or less be on/off the computer until we leave tonight. So I'll be here for your shenanigans. I think I'm going to paint some more. Maybe I'll add them as I go to this update.
Edit to add:
This and this, made for Mr_Zero and did I make another somewhere? I could have sworn I did?
kitty ribbon poop!