I have my classes for next semester picked out. All six. No class on fridays.
Means I have one more day to mope around or go home or take a bus to Ohio. Hopefully I'll have a job. Math, writing, anthropology, two classics, and science. I'm all over the place.
I am hoping this weekend that we'll get my hair dyed. I think I might try blue streaks for now so people don't think I did green for the holiday, like they did for Saint Patricks Day. I have no spontaneous creativity and therefore must do things in accordance with holidays for lack of any other ideas. That seems to be the excuse everyone likes. Blue will look good, right? Then sometime next week, I hope, I get to go to the campus lady doctor to get my goods checked out because I'm such a slut (not) and to change birth control. I'll be all nice and pretty to go home that following weekend for another shitload of nothingness. Hooray.
Paper due in 12 days.. I should start it, eh? I have a movie called 'A Love Divided" which made me feel really, really..well, sad. We'll leave it at sad. I don't want to watch it alone for the next ten times to get this bitch written.
Since no one wanted to be chained up half naked to entertain me, I'll entertain myself with the Erotica section at Borders. I read through a book called, "Pocket Supersex' and it taught all the basics for him and her from oral to sexual positions, how to spice things up, etc. Needless to say, I left Borders with fresh pictures of a hot woman and a decent looking guy in like..10 positions, giving eachother head, in lingerie, naked, etc.. It was a lovely ride back here in my head.
I am going home most likely saturday. Surprise.
My mom and I are supposed to sew me this nifty corset top out of shiny material (there are so many kinds, I don't know the name). I wanted it done by last weekend, not sure what I'd wear it for, but all I need is a short skirt and I'd have the perfect hot outfit to wear whenever I go out. So maybe we'll finish it this weekend? If it looks *good*, I'll post picures..
Now I need a skirt..
My sister is getting me a push up bra from Victorias Secret for Christmas. I got re-measured there, and..um..well, I'm not, apparently, the size I've been wearing. I got smaller and my boobs got bigger.
And so my sister and the sales lady made me try on all these bras, which were comfy.. And the push up one really does it's job well..
Maybe pictures of that, too..
Actually, I had been staring at myself in the dressing room for that one.. It looked great.
I know I used to despise walking into that store.. Now all I want is what's in it, even if there's no one to show it to but myself..
One thing I told my sister and her boyfriend to buy me is:
In either black/black, or light blue lace/dark blue silk, but I didn't know my size, like I said, I'm all over the place. It's 'sexy sleepwear'.
I'll have to go back and try it on sometime to see what fits perfectly. But they already got me something, I wonder what it is..
So next time I get money, I'm going there and buying it. Maybe I'll get a gift card from someone. We're heading to Fredericks of Hollywood before christmas (hopefully) because I've wanted those undies that tie on each side for how long now..and I never get to the store. Plus I'm going to buy my sisters boyfriend boxers with the elephant trunk on front for the holiday..
Which reminds me: You're turning 26 in two days. What do you want from your girlfriends younger sister? Seriously I don't know what to get him. I suck at birthdays so much..
Why do the fuckers exist.
I just know mine are always horrible and ignore them as they come, don't know about anyone else, which leaves me wondering what to get him. Remember, I have no money, so it has to be cheap, and I am NOT going to give him "I'll wash your SUV for free! 'Cause I'm an expert car washer!" Ideas, anyone?
I'm also thinking about getting another piercing or two. I'd like to get my bottem lip, one on each side, but if I did my parents wouldn't let me back in the house. Maybe something more hidden, like my nipples?
Kidding..I think.
Bellydancing tomorrow afternoon.. Last week was the first time I came home and ached for the whole weekend, I must finally be getting it right..
Go hips!

I am hoping this weekend that we'll get my hair dyed. I think I might try blue streaks for now so people don't think I did green for the holiday, like they did for Saint Patricks Day. I have no spontaneous creativity and therefore must do things in accordance with holidays for lack of any other ideas. That seems to be the excuse everyone likes. Blue will look good, right? Then sometime next week, I hope, I get to go to the campus lady doctor to get my goods checked out because I'm such a slut (not) and to change birth control. I'll be all nice and pretty to go home that following weekend for another shitload of nothingness. Hooray.
Paper due in 12 days.. I should start it, eh? I have a movie called 'A Love Divided" which made me feel really, really..well, sad. We'll leave it at sad. I don't want to watch it alone for the next ten times to get this bitch written.

Since no one wanted to be chained up half naked to entertain me, I'll entertain myself with the Erotica section at Borders. I read through a book called, "Pocket Supersex' and it taught all the basics for him and her from oral to sexual positions, how to spice things up, etc. Needless to say, I left Borders with fresh pictures of a hot woman and a decent looking guy in like..10 positions, giving eachother head, in lingerie, naked, etc.. It was a lovely ride back here in my head.

I am going home most likely saturday. Surprise.

My mom and I are supposed to sew me this nifty corset top out of shiny material (there are so many kinds, I don't know the name). I wanted it done by last weekend, not sure what I'd wear it for, but all I need is a short skirt and I'd have the perfect hot outfit to wear whenever I go out. So maybe we'll finish it this weekend? If it looks *good*, I'll post picures..

My sister is getting me a push up bra from Victorias Secret for Christmas. I got re-measured there, and..um..well, I'm not, apparently, the size I've been wearing. I got smaller and my boobs got bigger.

I know I used to despise walking into that store.. Now all I want is what's in it, even if there's no one to show it to but myself..

In either black/black, or light blue lace/dark blue silk, but I didn't know my size, like I said, I'm all over the place. It's 'sexy sleepwear'.

So next time I get money, I'm going there and buying it. Maybe I'll get a gift card from someone. We're heading to Fredericks of Hollywood before christmas (hopefully) because I've wanted those undies that tie on each side for how long now..and I never get to the store. Plus I'm going to buy my sisters boyfriend boxers with the elephant trunk on front for the holiday..

Which reminds me: You're turning 26 in two days. What do you want from your girlfriends younger sister? Seriously I don't know what to get him. I suck at birthdays so much..

I'm also thinking about getting another piercing or two. I'd like to get my bottem lip, one on each side, but if I did my parents wouldn't let me back in the house. Maybe something more hidden, like my nipples?

Bellydancing tomorrow afternoon.. Last week was the first time I came home and ached for the whole weekend, I must finally be getting it right..

My apartment building sounds like a dorm. I hate college kids.