I figured my update should have more pictures. Anyone remember that Kathy chick I hung out with at the begining of the year one time? Well, she had sent me pictures from our Valentines Day party of 2005. We were all single, depressed, and drunk. With one male. I think there were five of us girls? The pictures are huge but I can't resize them on this computer, though I think they'll fit. And I can't remember if I was, uh, drunk when they were taken.. You tell me..
Last week, my sister and I went home for a few hours on tuesday, and they took a picture of me sitting infront of the fire looking pretty with my hair down for once..though the stove really isn't in the picture. My mom was laying on the wrong end of the couch. But, look how long my hair is, and it's going to get even longer. I hope.
And, look at the beautiful sunrise this morning.
I was up at 6:30 to finish my research paper due at 10. I was up until 3:30 typing it, after spending the entire afternoon in the library writing my rough draft and sorting through my note cards. I finished it at 9:46 am this morning with plenty of time to run to class and hand it in on time.
I rock this shit under pressure...
Tuesday night I wrote a letter to Rhonda. Do you remember her? We worked at the car wash, and were the dirtiest people there? Yea. Well, we had no contact since my last day of work in August, and I felt bad for letting it wither. And I miss our stupid, sick, perverted talk. So, wondering how things were going, I wrote her a letter on some stationary and sent it yesterday. I just wrote a short message, gave her my phone number, and sent some pictures from Halloween (including the TWAT Team one, I knew she'd love it). She got it today and called me earlier tonight.
Apparently my timing was perfect because she's moving this saturday! Finally! She and her family were really looking forward to doing that while I was still there, so I'm glad it's happening. And I'm glad I sent that letter when I did!
Anyway, she wants me to come back to work over winter break for a few weeks. And hopefully we'll hang out. They're changing their phone number as well, so she's going to write me back, and 'send some toys, too'...
I really feel awesome about this.
I also really like writing letters. I should join the pen pal group. Do any of my friends want me to write them a letter? Because I will! I'll even spray it with perfume so it smells nice!
The Bellydancing classes are going swell. I have this habit of dancing infront of the mirror and just watching my hips do their magic..
I'm supposed to, to practice, but I really..really like watching myself move. I bet it looks hot to everyone else, too.
Today I wore two pairs of pants because it was so cold out. I can't wait til I have to wear my long-underwear pants, my yoga pants, then baggy pants on top.. I love wearing layers. I also love not wearing many, or any at all, actually.. Everytime I walk into our dorm room, I always take my shirt off. I hope it doesn't become too mcuh of a habit..
No matter what, though, I always wear my socks and shoes in here. Even in my towel, which I'm sure looks dumb, but..heh.
Did I mention my sister is now a Mary Kay consultant? I guess she's sort of struggling with that, and is relying on it for income. She has two parties coming up that she's trying to get people to come to and asked me to ask my friends if they want to go. I don't really have any friends around here to ask them if they'd be even slightly interested. I feel bad, though. So: If any of the chicks in the area who read this are interested, let me know? They are on November 17 and 19th. And guys, too, if you need presents for mom/family or friends..come on.. It's make up..
Okay, I tried.
I don't have much money left to spend this year. I really didn't want to have to transfer even more money.. I had money left for food when I can't use my meal plan card here. Instead, I take $15 from that already-small sum and bought myself a really dark blue tamagotchi (thought it was black at first)..One of the newer models that you can mate with other peoples tamagotchis, and have a baby. Yea. Awesome! Unfortunately, mine grew up and I dind't find anyone else with one to mate with, and my sisters was a female too (it was she who actually took me to go get mine, she had hers a few days before), so this 'match-maker' character shows up and makes up a match, then it has a baby that it cares for, then you take care of that baby.. I want to see how many generations I can go for!
My first one turned into a Mametchi, it was the cutest thing! I named her Zona. Yes, I got the name from SG.
Now, I have a baby boy named Zorg. He's sleeping right now. And I have not much money left to go buy food.. But it was worth it. I guess having a cheap electronic pet is better than nothing and no one.
I have a 10-15 page paper due December 14th on an Irish Film. I can pick the movie. Does anyone have any ideas? I am considering:
The Crying Game
The Magdalene Sisters
I need a new profile picture, even though I just changed it. Today, I've seen many naked ladies and much sex, all before I got on the computer. Hooray for classes showing movies.

Last week, my sister and I went home for a few hours on tuesday, and they took a picture of me sitting infront of the fire looking pretty with my hair down for once..though the stove really isn't in the picture. My mom was laying on the wrong end of the couch. But, look how long my hair is, and it's going to get even longer. I hope.

And, look at the beautiful sunrise this morning.

I was up at 6:30 to finish my research paper due at 10. I was up until 3:30 typing it, after spending the entire afternoon in the library writing my rough draft and sorting through my note cards. I finished it at 9:46 am this morning with plenty of time to run to class and hand it in on time.

Tuesday night I wrote a letter to Rhonda. Do you remember her? We worked at the car wash, and were the dirtiest people there? Yea. Well, we had no contact since my last day of work in August, and I felt bad for letting it wither. And I miss our stupid, sick, perverted talk. So, wondering how things were going, I wrote her a letter on some stationary and sent it yesterday. I just wrote a short message, gave her my phone number, and sent some pictures from Halloween (including the TWAT Team one, I knew she'd love it). She got it today and called me earlier tonight.

Anyway, she wants me to come back to work over winter break for a few weeks. And hopefully we'll hang out. They're changing their phone number as well, so she's going to write me back, and 'send some toys, too'...

I also really like writing letters. I should join the pen pal group. Do any of my friends want me to write them a letter? Because I will! I'll even spray it with perfume so it smells nice!
The Bellydancing classes are going swell. I have this habit of dancing infront of the mirror and just watching my hips do their magic..

Today I wore two pairs of pants because it was so cold out. I can't wait til I have to wear my long-underwear pants, my yoga pants, then baggy pants on top.. I love wearing layers. I also love not wearing many, or any at all, actually.. Everytime I walk into our dorm room, I always take my shirt off. I hope it doesn't become too mcuh of a habit..

Did I mention my sister is now a Mary Kay consultant? I guess she's sort of struggling with that, and is relying on it for income. She has two parties coming up that she's trying to get people to come to and asked me to ask my friends if they want to go. I don't really have any friends around here to ask them if they'd be even slightly interested. I feel bad, though. So: If any of the chicks in the area who read this are interested, let me know? They are on November 17 and 19th. And guys, too, if you need presents for mom/family or friends..come on.. It's make up..

Okay, I tried.
I don't have much money left to spend this year. I really didn't want to have to transfer even more money.. I had money left for food when I can't use my meal plan card here. Instead, I take $15 from that already-small sum and bought myself a really dark blue tamagotchi (thought it was black at first)..One of the newer models that you can mate with other peoples tamagotchis, and have a baby. Yea. Awesome! Unfortunately, mine grew up and I dind't find anyone else with one to mate with, and my sisters was a female too (it was she who actually took me to go get mine, she had hers a few days before), so this 'match-maker' character shows up and makes up a match, then it has a baby that it cares for, then you take care of that baby.. I want to see how many generations I can go for!
My first one turned into a Mametchi, it was the cutest thing! I named her Zona. Yes, I got the name from SG.

Now, I have a baby boy named Zorg. He's sleeping right now. And I have not much money left to go buy food.. But it was worth it. I guess having a cheap electronic pet is better than nothing and no one.

I have a 10-15 page paper due December 14th on an Irish Film. I can pick the movie. Does anyone have any ideas? I am considering:
The Crying Game
The Magdalene Sisters
I need a new profile picture, even though I just changed it. Today, I've seen many naked ladies and much sex, all before I got on the computer. Hooray for classes showing movies.

aww, nice as ever. Your hair is pretty damn long.

Yeah, humans are rubbish but I cant bring myself to start killing them off myself..