I have given up on my University studies class, I only went to like half the classes this term. Gonna frickin fail that course cuz I didn't do any work all term. Why am I such a procrastinator!!?? I totally brought this on my self, but honestly who thinks I can write three papers (one a ten page research paper I have done no research for) before Monday and create a website to put them on.....so fucked. At least I am getting an A in my math class, bad thing is it's my only other class, so my GPA is fucked. Uggggggggg
I have given up on my University studies class, I only went to like half the classes this term. Gonna frickin fail that course cuz I didn't do any work all term. Why am I such a procrastinator!!?? I totally brought this on my self, but honestly who thinks I can write three papers (one a ten page research paper I have done no research for) before Monday and create a website to put them on.....so fucked. At least I am getting an A in my math class, bad thing is it's my only other class, so my GPA is fucked. Uggggggggg

will you be attending Suicide Saterday from SGPDX sir? Damn...just remembered...I have to close, although, that would be fun!!!!
maybe not man....well, there is one every week, and pirate thursday, so...we'll have to find one to go to. Later man. Give me a ring on my cell. We'll be playing "the gathering" as usual.