It's been a few weeks since my last entry...Just got done seeing Spiderman 2 at midnight tonight. Was pretty good except for some of the writing, Oh the end has so many horrible cheezy lines!!!! So Paul got to go to suicide saturday last week and I am really jealous. I shoulda gone. He said that Ryan is an incredible dancer...maybe next time....
hey Pete, don't forget to send me and Matt those pictures of that girl that we went to High School with when you get a chance. Alright, later man.
I miss you man. Where ya been?
Really don't know what to write today, but it has been a few days. Wouldn't wanna let my fans down wink .
Just doing some late spring cleaning around the house today. But I get distracted so easilythat I work on it for like 30 mins and then forget about it for like an hour.
Went to best buy yesterday with three dvd's in mind to...
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and one more random message for good measure, because I'm the king of your MESSAGE BOARD! ROOOOOOAR!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Hey yo I'm chexed, plexed, rexed, mexed, hexed, and I'm comin up next overnight FEDEXed. Can't wait til thurday, gonna collect my checks! Then I'm gonna send your a text! I'll say "where to next?", then, no matter what we do, we'll have to get plexed!
ok...new rhyme!

Do you got the TIME to commit a CRIME for a DIME and put a little LIME in yo CORRONA, betcha wanna BONE HER, because you're starting to feel like a LONER, a DRONER, get up and TELEPHONE HER, before she's GONE, you gotta SPAWN, not on my LAWN!, in living color's "HEY MON", they got 67 JOBS, hope they don't get ROBBED, by some SLOB, named BOB! He'd be eating some corn on the COB, filled out an application and had to list my D.O.B., Now i'm gonna eat some LOBster. cuz you know I be a MOBSTER, I ain't even about to finish this JOBSTER! ....ok...I said jobster....time to stop... surreal
hey Pete...you feel like going to Pirate tonight? Give my cell phone a call. I may feel like going. It's been a really hectic day! eeek
Well school is finally over!!! Time to kick back and relax....I mean wait....I need a second job to pay of this years school expenses that i racked up this year!!! way to go me!!! So maybe no relaxing. Anyone have some tips on a morning job I can get in the PDX area. Don't really care what it is, but no food jobs cuz i...
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hmm have you tried for cashier jobs at some place in one of these god damn malls every where?

Or there is always the typical job out where I live. Manual farm labor
heh always full of sarcastic comments.
However have you considered : bookstores, movie theatres, electronics stores, etc.
Sooo Broke!!
I really am starting to hate living paycheck to paycheck.......i don't get paid till like midnight tonight, and my gas light is on, and i have to be to work at 1 am in the morning. frown
Yeah, by the way you described your inventory i thought it was blockbuster. My ex used to work at one, so I know some of the going on's. Anyway...

Um, I THOUGHT the same thing! I kept thinking oh thats the end! Oh wait, theres more, and wait, more. It was a little annoying, but still really well done. But I would have told them to cut that nonesense off of 30848484 endings. but, i still think some business was left unsaid, but hey, it's it ALWAYS like that in books and movies.

Anyway. I'm catrice and aim me at ms damn pretty if you want. c-ya.
yeah dude, I work tuesday night close. Going to the waterfront sounds fun...we should try and schedule something like that sometime soon. I've just gotta find a day off, after payday...
I have given up on my University studies class, I only went to like half the classes this term. Gonna frickin fail that course cuz I didn't do any work all term. Why am I such a procrastinator!!?? I totally brought this on my self, but honestly who thinks I can write three papers (one a ten page research paper I have done no...
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will you be attending Suicide Saterday from SGPDX sir? Damn...just remembered...I have to close, although, that would be fun!!!!
maybe not man....well, there is one every week, and pirate thursday, so...we'll have to find one to go to. Later man. Give me a ring on my cell. We'll be playing "the gathering" as usual.
Gawd, school is almost over...can't wait. This week is gonna be hella busy for me tho since i partied too hard all term and didn't do crap...wish me luck.
I'm studying art at the moment...majoring in drawing/painting/printmaking and minoring in animation.

Film school sounds awesome...I have a friend who wants to do that, and I've seen some of the stuff you get to do. Very cool.

Thanks for the compliments, you have good tastes too. wink
John saul has wrote books like the shadows, and um.. nightshade is another. I'm currently reading one called the right hand of evil. Its about a house that is posessed, and its just creepy.

Um, anybody who likes buffy rocks in my opinion. And no I haven't got S6 yet, thats only because its a bday present though, so I have to wait til june 20th. *screams*
Thoughts from this morning....

Song: "And for you Ma'am?"

Song: "Thank you, Ma'am."

Paul: "It's so cool how you call Neil, Nealy, and no one else calls him that."

Austin: "I don't like this movie."

Austin: "I love the middle of this movie!"

Pete: "The fusion." "The Sticky-Icky."
K, I just saw one of the greatest films I have ever seen, Audition....Thanks Paul for the recommendation!
My Head Hurts!!!
Good times last night AKA this morning.
So ready for Wednesday night to come.
haha....hell yeah dude! that was fun...Saving Silverman must be watched some time soon...Neil Diamond Beckons! I think Thursday night we'll be going out again to Stir Crazy to catch Kareoke night! Neil Diamond here I come! whatever