Blog # 3! So I did participate in the graduation ceremony for the class of 2010 but I still have 3 more classes to take before I can get my degrees, its like being there but not. So then I had to get money to go to summer school, I almost didn't but at the last minute discovered that UH does offer emergency tuition loans so I was able to do it! Class starts June 1st. Then 2 more classes in the Fall then finally off to Law school! Its taken me 10 years to get to the point where I'll need 4 more years to get a masters degree in criminal justice so I can go out & fight the bad guys! The overall plan is to seek the office of DA then as I put hardened criminals behind bars & send some to the their deaths parlay that into a full blown political career with an end goal of seeking the office of the President! If fucking Obama can get where he is without earning or deserving the office then by God I can sure earn my position! The lesson for all the world to see is never let obstacles stand in your way, never let complications or hard times get you down and don't let anything stop you from achieving your dreams! For all intents & purposes I should have quit & given up a long time ago but I fought through and continue to fight and will never ever stop till the day I die!! So let my life be an inspiration to all, fight for what you want, fight the system the very government if need be but fight for what's right!! Tell me what you think. P.S. FUCK Obama!
If he feels for the situation on the border why doesn't he do something more than just sending 5,000 troops, if nothing happened with Congressman Sestak then why not just come out & say it why does it take a few days to come out with a response, if the incident in the gulf is isolated & nothing more then an accident then why ban all offshore oil drilling, if smoking is so bad for us simple folk then why is the President allowed a free pass??? Is there a criminal conspiracy brewing in the White House? Well let's just say the Democrats are screwed come November, c'est la vie.
haha. I don't actually act. It is a reference to a scene in Waiting For Guffman. If you haven't seen it, you definitely should