So here goes, POST NUMBER 2! WOO-HOO! Any way, so I've been real busy with graduation coming up in less than 2 weeks, I am earning 2 bachelor of arts degrees in History and Political Science! Finally, after 10 years (i'm a slow learner) I am earning my status! But no my friends it is not the end, only the beggining, I plan to go to Law school and become a prosecutor and DA one day. Par-let that into a cerrer in politics prorper and see where the good life takes me from there! I'm also going to be shooting a new short film soon called "Drag" (no its not what you think!) and I will still focus on a future film career so as to never give up on my dreams! Lots of high falutin' ambitions in my life but hey, if your gonna attepmt anything life why not take it to the limit!! Let me know what y'all think, if y'all do read this...

sways my other alias... cute huh? =) thanks for the love<3

I will do my best haha. Most of it is junk I think but hopefully I'll find something of worth.