Ok so here goes nothing. Hi! I love this site and all my friends on it! I've been a member for a few years now but I've been a fan & supporter of SG since it's inception. Yes I enjoy ogling naked women, and yes I have a durty mind & slightly perverted nature. Does that make me a bad person? I don't think so because I am not a psycho path, stalker, pedo or any other kind of anti-social nut-case! I do have a very strong, somewhat over-active, sex drive! I'm honest person so I can admit that. I am also a mature adult who feels that as such I have a God given right under the Constitution to enjoy my life however I see fit without government intervention trying to tell me what is or is not good for my own well being! I am studying politics and have a vested interest in the course this nation takes both at home and abroad (huh huh, I said a broad) and one plan on running for public office. Should my affiliation with an adult website have any bearing on my future electoral plans? I don't think so, what do you think? My interests are wide and varied and my goals and ambitions are large and lofty. Of my many joys and ambitions in life, the most profound is film making. I'm an actor, writer, director, editor and cinematographer. Nothing gives me more happiness in this life than movies! To that end I have been working diligently for over 7 years now and I'm currently working on a short film and an epic 6 part story about relationships and the choices we make in life, their consequences on ourselves and those around us. So admittedly I'm not very computer savy and I only just realized I had some testimonials on here that some kind souls have left me and I feel ignorant for not having noticed, so I ask again, if I write these blogs and attempt to manage my profile more directly will anyone pay attention and notice me? Leaving you with an open-ended question in high hopes of a response, Aaron/ aka Moviekiller.
Why have a profile if you're not going to maintain it?