2006, please hurry it the fuck up already.

Why 2005 sucked

In the interest of fair play, there was a bit of 2005 unsuckage

hey !! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!! i hope you have a great weekend kiss kiss kiss i am gonna be 34 next month !!! blahhhh smile
well, I hope you find it, if you need any help looking...

Did a hot guy just offer to help me look? *stuffs Christmas spirit in the back of spare closet* Um, yah, I can't find that *anywhere*. Wanna come over and help me look?

It's *fascinating* how self-destructive I am when I'm lonely/sad. Not that these self-destructive urges are *that* harmful. No, they're just urges to do things that will distract me and satisfy me momentarily, and I have a difficult time saying no to myself. So, yah, I have some chocolate, eat a totally-bad-for-me dinner, have some more chocolate, and contemplate sex with complete strangers.

Funny how a...
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ive got chocolate and im a stranger smile

dont get me stated on the horny and alone thing
frown puke frown blackeyed frown mad frown frown frown

It's official. It's over with my girlfriend.

Would everyone please start cutting me some slack now?

Stop asking me "what's up?" when I look like someone just killed my kitten - does the look on my face *really* inspire you to think light banter will perk me up???

Stop STARING at me when I burst into tears in the middle of Christmas shopping. I just...
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Fuck I love words. Despite this, my vocabulary sucks ass. So I have a word-of-the-day Widget on my Dashboard (i *heart* Widgets!), and today's word is

mitty: an ordinary, timid person who indulges in daydreams involving great adventures and triumphs.

Oh my god! Could a word ever describe me better???

So here's the nifty thing about words. I plug in "mitty" at Dictionary.com, and...
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Dear mouse girl. I refer you to Wikipedia Its a fantastic site thats like an enPSYCHOpedia. awesome to read.

I refer people to typr in vagina dentata for a good laugh. Give this a try ok mouse?
Took the test. Kind of interesting.

I have just spent the last 2 hours or so watching the PandaCam at the National Zoo and scouring iTunes for new music. I have yet to see the new baby Panda, although I believe I've been watching Mom (Mei Xiang) try to nap while holding baby in her arms, because she keeps leaning towards her chest to nuzzle and lick something.

Today I officially...
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Thank you for the blip above that's very sweet of you. I know it's sort of odd to describe music in a location & smell but to me it's that empacting on me. I would never consider the Doves in the realm of Modest Mouse or Radiohead except to say all three change up there sound each record. Travis for "The Man Who" very autumny. "Sea Change" is one of my favs of his by far. As to the Pixes well, to each is there own. How about "Bloc Party" for a try. By the way the later George Michael is brilliant!!!! Enjoy the tunes & the panda. Cheers.
The newsbit about Atlanta's CATALYST program has me fuming. Sick to my stomach, actually. Every time I hear about a work-or-lose benefits scheme, I about lose my lunch. Most of my childhood was spent living with just my mother and a sibling or two at any given time, and we were on welfare 95% of the time she was the only parent in the house....
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Oh, ideas that Americans have are pretty Sussed but, to generalize all Americans I'd have to disagree!! I believe there is hope for the future along with the next election. Many of us 30 somethings & younger are fed up with this war & all the other b.s there trying to fed us & want change. This will come with Hillary's landslide victory!! Don't give up hope!! Michael Stipe would tell you the same thing.
I just discovered that Sinope looks eerily like my ex-girlfriend. I don't know whether to be happy or sad. love frown
It really has been awhile since I popped in, huh? I actually have a JOB now! I'm hitting the groove there, and kind of enjoying it. As I tried to explain to my sister without sounding too much like a loser, bookkeeping and accounting sound like the most boring jobs in the world, but there is something very satisfying about the numbers all adding up...
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Who's legs are they?
Glad to hear that things are looking up for you. Work has a way of leveling out your life, wouldn't you say? I recently saw Interpol & Bravery at the Crystal & it was sooooo great!!!!! With the cost of tickets, crowds & fag smoke it's tough to drag yourself out to a show. There are quite a few bands still worth the effort, you just have to dig. Hope all is well.