There are several old threads on recommendations for a first bike that you might want to read. But feel free to start a new one. Right now, my fiancee is riding a 250 Rebel because the weight of her 500 Shadow was intimidating the fun right out of riding. She's starting to jones for more power, but I bet she won't really feel the need until next season. My advice is BUY OLD AND CHEAP, which you'll find in more detail in some of the old threads.
Anyway, welcome! I hope you enjoy the class. It's the best way to start.
There are several old threads on recommendations for a first bike that you might want to read. But feel free to start a new one. Right now, my fiancee is riding a 250 Rebel because the weight of her 500 Shadow was intimidating the fun right out of riding. She's starting to jones for more power, but I bet she won't really feel the need until next season. My advice is BUY OLD AND CHEAP, which you'll find in more detail in some of the old threads.
Anyway, welcome! I hope you enjoy the class. It's the best way to start.