Thursday Jul 28, 2005 Jul 28, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Had a tiring two days. Our District manager came in wednesday and all but promised me a store soon. Yay! VIEW 5 of 5 COMMENTS missmyla: pre-congrats! you guys should come out tomorrow night for a little pre-celebration haha yeah, I know, this is my last desperate attempt at getting you guys to come hang out this weekend Jul 29, 2005 taoshen: Woohoo! Go, girl, go And I honestly believe that the doors are open .. we just have to step through them. Serendipity, baby... Jul 29, 2005
haha yeah, I know, this is my last desperate attempt at getting you guys to come hang out this weekend
And I honestly believe that the doors are open .. we just have to step through them. Serendipity, baby...