Saturday Jul 09, 2005 Jul 9, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Wheeeee! We are going to Devil's Point for sure tonight. We should be there about 10ish. Anyone up for some booze? VIEW 13 of 13 COMMENTS palindrome: And here, I checked my messages at five. Too bad, too, we love Devils Point. Did you guys have a completely awesome time? Tell me all about it; I can live vicarously. Jul 10, 2005 brokenbeatnik: The signatures show up better in regular light than they did at the DP. Yay jetlag! Let's me, you, Patrick, and whoever do drinks or food when I get back. Jul 10, 2005
Did you guys have a completely awesome time? Tell me all about it; I can live vicarously.
Yay jetlag!
Let's me, you, Patrick, and whoever do drinks or food when I get back.