feeling alittle blah. haven't been out in awhile. need ... to... get... vod..ka. its like me spinach.
teaching myself how to create wed pages. the only problem with that is i would need to buy the program to get started. i tried to download a trail version, they wanted my license number from my prev. purchase. i just trying to steal their software. whats wrong with that?
im doing a 16 hour today.which sucks because i wanted to go this week-end and see bands and go to magic mountain. i wanted too naked boobies and ladies half naked. thats the majic mount i dream of. when i get off, im thinking party time.

teaching myself how to create wed pages. the only problem with that is i would need to buy the program to get started. i tried to download a trail version, they wanted my license number from my prev. purchase. i just trying to steal their software. whats wrong with that?
im doing a 16 hour today.which sucks because i wanted to go this week-end and see bands and go to magic mountain. i wanted too naked boobies and ladies half naked. thats the majic mount i dream of. when i get off, im thinking party time.

You were sorely missed this weekend. I had no one to hold my hair back while I barfed up a lung on frat drinky! Seriously, I never know what do do with myself in social situations without me J to the O to the S JIZZOSH!

yes, you totally need to come start hanging out with the bunch!!!