OK, so don't you hate when you fuck up? I'm not talking about just kind of screw up, but I mean REALLY fuck up!!!! So, since I have got myself in the current situation I'm in, I blew off going out with my friends last night, grabbed some dinner alone, came home, had a cpl drinks and really did some soul searching. Let me break it down for ya....
I hurt somebody that I care about (and she professes to care about me) IMMENSELY! I mean REALLY hurt her. The kind of hurt that really fucks up a good thing that we had going. The really jacked up thing now is, I don't know how to completely fix it. I mean it is impossible to say a phrase, or perform some quick action to make all the pain and hurt disappear, and trust just magically return. Unfortunately life is never that simple. You see, I spent a good deal of time after my divorce REALLY trash talking women, and undoubtedly developed a fear of being emotionally hurt again. I vowed never to be in the situation ever again. I constructed huge walls around me, distanced myself from a lot of others, and was generally just very guarded. The worst part is, that once I started hanging out, seeing, growing close to, falling for this girl.... well, my defense mechanisms ultimately ended up breaking her heart, and destroying her faith & trust in me.
So now I'm searching... searching for the way to put it all back together. I have become very aware that I'm unhappy without her, miss our times together, and feel like I have a huge empty hole where she used to be. I don;t know if I'll stumble across the magic to mend things, and can only hope that I do, but in the mean time I put that effort out there, hope she can see that I care, and keep praying I'll be afforded to do things the right way with her instead of learning a very hard lesson.
I don't think we stumble across others who truly understand us very often in life. I know in my journey I haven't had the fortune of having a person TRULY understand me and what I am about... until I met this one. She has unselfishly taken the time to see my for what I am, as much as I let her. She is probably the only person who has ever been around me that accepts things about me that scares others away. She is nothing short of the chick I had hoped to find, and now its up to me to fix the damage that has been done.
I have no idea if she'll see this, or take the time to read it. If she does I hope she knows I am deeply sorry, I care for her probably more than she thinks I do or understands, and I miss her. I miss her friendship, her presence, and just knowing that she is there.
Man I do not know how I get myself into these things.....
On a different note... my little girl is getting way too big. She still loves her tattoos, and is still all about the black fingernails....
Me with my little one....
So I am trying to stay positive, going back to drawing some (hopefully that will be therapeutic), and have decided to run a marathon this year. I need to be snowboarding since the snow is sick this year, and will hopefully get up to make some runs soon. OK, so now I'm rambling... time to find a movie online to watch. Smokin Aces 2 it is!
You guys take care....
I hurt somebody that I care about (and she professes to care about me) IMMENSELY! I mean REALLY hurt her. The kind of hurt that really fucks up a good thing that we had going. The really jacked up thing now is, I don't know how to completely fix it. I mean it is impossible to say a phrase, or perform some quick action to make all the pain and hurt disappear, and trust just magically return. Unfortunately life is never that simple. You see, I spent a good deal of time after my divorce REALLY trash talking women, and undoubtedly developed a fear of being emotionally hurt again. I vowed never to be in the situation ever again. I constructed huge walls around me, distanced myself from a lot of others, and was generally just very guarded. The worst part is, that once I started hanging out, seeing, growing close to, falling for this girl.... well, my defense mechanisms ultimately ended up breaking her heart, and destroying her faith & trust in me.

So now I'm searching... searching for the way to put it all back together. I have become very aware that I'm unhappy without her, miss our times together, and feel like I have a huge empty hole where she used to be. I don;t know if I'll stumble across the magic to mend things, and can only hope that I do, but in the mean time I put that effort out there, hope she can see that I care, and keep praying I'll be afforded to do things the right way with her instead of learning a very hard lesson.
I don't think we stumble across others who truly understand us very often in life. I know in my journey I haven't had the fortune of having a person TRULY understand me and what I am about... until I met this one. She has unselfishly taken the time to see my for what I am, as much as I let her. She is probably the only person who has ever been around me that accepts things about me that scares others away. She is nothing short of the chick I had hoped to find, and now its up to me to fix the damage that has been done.
I have no idea if she'll see this, or take the time to read it. If she does I hope she knows I am deeply sorry, I care for her probably more than she thinks I do or understands, and I miss her. I miss her friendship, her presence, and just knowing that she is there.
Man I do not know how I get myself into these things.....
On a different note... my little girl is getting way too big. She still loves her tattoos, and is still all about the black fingernails....
Me with my little one....

So I am trying to stay positive, going back to drawing some (hopefully that will be therapeutic), and have decided to run a marathon this year. I need to be snowboarding since the snow is sick this year, and will hopefully get up to make some runs soon. OK, so now I'm rambling... time to find a movie online to watch. Smokin Aces 2 it is!
You guys take care....
a) I suck at life
and 2) I have not forgotten!
Will get answers to you shortly darlin!
lovin the blog so far!!!!
and keep your head up.. things happen you just gotta stay positive and strong enough to let it work itself out