Shit, didn't realize I still had that month-old doom-and-gloom post up. Update: she's doing fine, she's got a new doctor who is taking a more careful approach to the diagnosis, and one thing has become clear: no popcorn for the nieces. Looking over the food diary (my sister is a goddamn genius, I'd have never thought of a food diary and her doctors apparently didn't either), it seems that all of the flareups happened right after eating popcorn or other high-fiber foods. Thanks for everyone's thoughts.
Around age 25 or 26, I stopped keeping track of how old I am. That can lead to some moderately embarrassing situations, such as going around for a week telling people that you're turning 33 when you're actually turning 32. Aside from basic math, though, it seems like I get better at everything with every year. I love getting older. When I get my yacht I'm going to christen it the Age and Treachery.
Around age 25 or 26, I stopped keeping track of how old I am. That can lead to some moderately embarrassing situations, such as going around for a week telling people that you're turning 33 when you're actually turning 32. Aside from basic math, though, it seems like I get better at everything with every year. I love getting older. When I get my yacht I'm going to christen it the Age and Treachery.
Glad she's doing better. It's a shame our bodies are so sensitive to everything. Everyone seems to have idiosyncratic health problems, myself included!