I think I've mentioned before that high fructose corn syrup does bad things to me. My muscles cramp up, I get headaches, and if I eat enough, it's hard to get out of bed for the next day or so. And, I mean, it takes a fair amount--not like I eat one Little Debbie and get laid out. On the plus side, that's pretty much the only ill effect; my metabolism runs high enough that I can (and have) live on Count Chocula and not leave my desk for weeks at a time, and my face and belly just go a little softer around the edges after a while.
The aches and the depression are enough to keep me on the straight and narrow, for the most part. But right now, I've got a half-dozen doughnuts in front of me. There's a maple frosted, a double chocolate, two Boston creams, a Bavarian cream, and a strawberry shortcake. The next day or so is going to be hell, but the next fifteen minutes are going to be alright.
The aches and the depression are enough to keep me on the straight and narrow, for the most part. But right now, I've got a half-dozen doughnuts in front of me. There's a maple frosted, a double chocolate, two Boston creams, a Bavarian cream, and a strawberry shortcake. The next day or so is going to be hell, but the next fifteen minutes are going to be alright.