The guy I was sparring with last night tried to trip me over his shin, which I countered by holding my stance; the result was that we whacked shins really hard. It hurt, but we kept going--and then, two minutes later, the same thing happened. It hurt so bad that my calf and thigh almost cramped. I dotted it up with some tiger balm and was good to go for the rest of the night. Today, I am not so good to go.
I got him back, though--went to hit him in the head and he ducked into it, chipping his tooth. (Actually I feel like shit about that. He was cool about it, said it was his fault, but damn.)
The guy I was sparring with last night tried to trip me over his shin, which I countered by holding my stance; the result was that we whacked shins really hard. It hurt, but we kept going--and then, two minutes later, the same thing happened. It hurt so bad that my calf and thigh almost cramped. I dotted it up with some tiger balm and was good to go for the rest of the night. Today, I am not so good to go.
I got him back, though--went to hit him in the head and he ducked into it, chipping his tooth. (Actually I feel like shit about that. He was cool about it, said it was his fault, but damn.)
"/thread" <== explain to the old guy please.