Bah. Temporary cashflow issues coincided with my subscription renewal date. The only thing that kept me going was the free set that SG released to celebrate my momentary departure. Ironically, I'm pretty sure it's my favorite set of all time.
More Blogs
Thursday Aug 11, 2011
Swearing off reading the news for the next while. -
Saturday Jul 30, 2011
things++ = things -
Wednesday Jul 13, 2011
Jesus christ. Started the p90x program today. Hopped in the shower af… -
Thursday Jun 30, 2011
I've spent the past week trying to fix the phone wiring in this offic… -
Saturday Jun 25, 2011
Well, that was a bummer of a post to check out on. I'll note that ang… -
Wednesday May 11, 2011
What I'm tired of today is movies about terminal patients who are so … -
Monday May 09, 2011
Interesting concept that popped up at Small Wars Journal recently: "c… -
Thursday May 05, 2011
So, I had a job doing some telephony work at a bank, today. I'm movin… -
Thursday Apr 28, 2011
So, you know how awkward it can be when you say goodbye to someone, a… -
Tuesday Apr 19, 2011
Letting my account expire in a few days. It's becoming too easy to br…