So, I sat down last night and plotted out my WoW wishlist for my L70 rogue. This is not the best gear in the game, it's the best gear I can realistically acquire for the role I want to fill--namely, handing out massive fucking crits with my backstabs, ambushes, and eviscerates, specifically in PvP. My PvP build is assassination/sub, giving me both Cold Blood and Preparation, with Master of Subtlety as an added bonus. The point of the build, specifically, is to be able to open up with a massive ambush, get in a massive backstab or two, and have 5cp for a massive eviscerate. this should, ideally, all but destroy any clothy and most leather classes, and hit mail and plate hard enough that I can finish them with little problem. As a secondary focus, I want to be completely undetectable in stealth, while being able to penetrate the stealth of just about anyone else.
So, here's my gear list.
Head: The Night Watchman
Neck: Adamantite Chain of the Unbroken
Shoulders: Mantle of Perenolde
Back: Netherfury Cloak
Chest: Chestguard of the Dark Stalker
Wrist: Armwraps of Disdain
Hands: Fel Leather Gloves
Belt: Liar's Cord
Legs: Mennu's Scaled Leggings
Feet: The Master's Treads
Ring: Aggressor's Mark of the Shattar
Ring: Ring of the Shadow Deeps
Trinket: Hourglass of the Unraveller
Trinket: Bladefists's Breadth
Main: Gladiator's Shanker
Off: Gladiator's Shiv
The final stats on this gear, not include gems, enchants, and so on:
334 crit rating
+508 AP (+596 including stats)
85 hit rating
18 resiliance
+69 Agi
+243 Sta
+19 Str
The crit rating, as I said, is the important part. 334 crit rating equals +15% crit. I'll have +5% from talents; my ambushes will be at +45% (total +65%), and my backstabs will be at +30% (total +50%).
I could get even more crit (or other stats) if I replaced my choice for helm and boots, but The Night Watchman and The Master's Treads are instrumental to my strategy. In addition to the +stealth afforded by the boots, I'll have +stealth on my cloak, and might replace one of my trinkets for a +stealth trinket. That means I will be, hands down, the sneakiest motherfucker in the game--the only possible way to have more +stealth would be to be a Night Elf and/or to go with the Darkmantle Boots (L60 stats, but slightly more +stealth). So I will, effectively, be invisible; I had this build at L60, and I could often ambush warlocks with felhunters before they could react.
So, yeah. That's my goal, right now.
So, here's my gear list.
Head: The Night Watchman
Neck: Adamantite Chain of the Unbroken
Shoulders: Mantle of Perenolde
Back: Netherfury Cloak
Chest: Chestguard of the Dark Stalker
Wrist: Armwraps of Disdain
Hands: Fel Leather Gloves
Belt: Liar's Cord
Legs: Mennu's Scaled Leggings
Feet: The Master's Treads
Ring: Aggressor's Mark of the Shattar
Ring: Ring of the Shadow Deeps
Trinket: Hourglass of the Unraveller
Trinket: Bladefists's Breadth
Main: Gladiator's Shanker
Off: Gladiator's Shiv
The final stats on this gear, not include gems, enchants, and so on:
334 crit rating
+508 AP (+596 including stats)
85 hit rating
18 resiliance
+69 Agi
+243 Sta
+19 Str
The crit rating, as I said, is the important part. 334 crit rating equals +15% crit. I'll have +5% from talents; my ambushes will be at +45% (total +65%), and my backstabs will be at +30% (total +50%).
I could get even more crit (or other stats) if I replaced my choice for helm and boots, but The Night Watchman and The Master's Treads are instrumental to my strategy. In addition to the +stealth afforded by the boots, I'll have +stealth on my cloak, and might replace one of my trinkets for a +stealth trinket. That means I will be, hands down, the sneakiest motherfucker in the game--the only possible way to have more +stealth would be to be a Night Elf and/or to go with the Darkmantle Boots (L60 stats, but slightly more +stealth). So I will, effectively, be invisible; I had this build at L60, and I could often ambush warlocks with felhunters before they could react.
So, yeah. That's my goal, right now.