so talk about tempting. Lorelei has a house in lakewood and she needs roomies. would probably be like $225 a month she says (i can't remember how many people she'd need then). anyway, i mentioned it to donny a couple times but i don't think he thinks i'm even slightly serious about considering it. i have so much crap and so little room at his house. and i'm just sort of at that age where i want to be able to support myself. however, i have yet to start working with his mom. so its not definite that i will be making money. and i don't want to screw Lorelei over or anything. its just too tempting!!! anyway, i dunno, i gotta really think it over. i just hope other people don't grab it up before i can decide.
i need to go to class now. i have three classes left between today and tomorrow, then finals next week and i'm DONE. today is a busy day though.
i need to go to class now. i have three classes left between today and tomorrow, then finals next week and i'm DONE. today is a busy day though.
Interesting.....sometimes friend should live together there lieable to kill each other....I know cuz a couple of my friends moved in together and one about got kill yo! 

225...thats chep...good luck with finals next week