Tuesday Feb 18, 2003 Feb 18, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email OMG! I just got back a print of Theo (Luna Chicks) and I for an Italian fashion mag! It was shot at the Chelsea hotel. I put it up as my profile pic VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS bryn: sometimes lonely adventures are the best. i jumped off of the steps into the snow [with an ice crust id found out when i landed] far below, and just laid there laughing my cold and wet ass off. by myself. everyone else laughed at me. nuthin new. Feb 19, 2003 katia: is this u? if yes, than what, such a hot boy, doing spending his valentine in a move? unless u wasn't by yourself... Feb 20, 2003
if yes, than what, such a hot boy, doing spending his
valentine in a move?
unless u wasn't by yourself...