Another day with no hangover. Except that I never really got them anyway...
Hung out with doolittle for a while today. It was nice to get out of the house.
Then back to the Pecos park. Getting better at the tail stalls, tail stall grabs, fakie rocks, and almost getting rocks to fakie.
I almost had the perfect backside 50-50, then bam... worst slam of the past ten years. I had a headache instantly, my jaw hurt from slamming shut so hard, I think I got whiplash, and my palms are swollen. Right now I'm still shakey and full of adrenaline so I feel fine. But tomorrow I'm sure I'll feel it. I tried a few more times after the stars went away and then the park closed. I really wish I would have got it. That would be a nice sense of accomplishment for once.
Riding a bar stool is much easier than a skateboard.
Hung out with doolittle for a while today. It was nice to get out of the house.
Then back to the Pecos park. Getting better at the tail stalls, tail stall grabs, fakie rocks, and almost getting rocks to fakie.
I almost had the perfect backside 50-50, then bam... worst slam of the past ten years. I had a headache instantly, my jaw hurt from slamming shut so hard, I think I got whiplash, and my palms are swollen. Right now I'm still shakey and full of adrenaline so I feel fine. But tomorrow I'm sure I'll feel it. I tried a few more times after the stars went away and then the park closed. I really wish I would have got it. That would be a nice sense of accomplishment for once.
Riding a bar stool is much easier than a skateboard.

thanks again for making yesterday 500 times less obnoxious. damn people with their damn requests, sitting outside of motherfuckin sports authority....grumble grumble
hey man send me an email through SG with your cell # it is in my phone but my screen is smashed so i need it again...
i will be in AZ tomorrow see ya soon bro