I've always had a thing for actors. Acting is so exciting to me, and in some way I wish I had gone towards that career myself. But seeing great actors doing their thing on the big screen, is just such a turn on. Like, the talent is just so charming and powerful to me.. I'm attracted and just totally lost in admiration at the same time, I can't describe it haha.
Jack Nicholson, because he is the most charming man alive. He's REALLY old and not so charming anymore, and YET he has that glimpse in his eyes. But damn, in his younger days... That face, he's like a wolf haha. My favourite perfomance of his must be as R.P mcmurphy. I think I fell for him at the age of 12. yup :O
Jeremy Irons, because having a thing for older men, made lolita my favourite film for a while. Even though the story is tragic, and Humbert Humbert is a monster, Jeremy Irons was able to capture the characters charm, and totally enchanted the crowd, as well as being a sick dude, abusing this nymphet of his. Nonetheless, Jeremy's voice and carisma is SUPER manly. My god! Even his role as Scar had me going like..damn.. ahah. He's just a beautiful man.
Nicolas Cage.. I seriously don't understand why he has become such a phenomenon on the internet. He's a totally underrated actor! I mean, have you guys even seen Leaving Las vegas, 8mm, or wild at heart!? he has done some bad movies as well haha, but he's got some serious talent. And he has the best body I've ever seen for sure. What I'd do to spend a night with him. He seem like a quirky guy too.. One giant Elvis fan for sure haha.
Gary Oldman, because he is seriously one of the best actors in this world. He has done every role in the spectra, and isn't typecasted! Well maybe as a villain figure, but he always has depth to his characters. Watching so many interviews with him, I get the feeling that he is an intelligent man, with a lot of baggage as well, which makes him human. I love it. I've drawn him over and over! And he's got so much class. I've been more in love with Gary Oldman than I have been in a person I've known IRL. In fact, I've only ever been in love with actors. So superficial.
Aaaand above all men we have..
Kevin Spacey, because... He is simply the man. My god, if I could marry anyone in this world, it would be him. I've watched a ton of his films, my favourites being K-pax, Se7en, American Beauty and The usual Suspects.. Not to mention him as Frank Underwood in House of cards. I've been crazy with him since the age of 12-13 I think. I go after tall men, and he is definitely not, but somehow there is this quality to his person, that shines through anything in what he says or does. His acting is superb, and his voice gives me chills. I was even so crazy about him, that I wrote him a fan letter, telling him just how much I admired his work. I attached a drawing, hoping he would sent it back, signed. And he actually did. But on top of that, he had written on a print, saying 'To Nina, thanks for the Nice drawing, Kevin Spacey'..!!!!! I literally jumped around, lost for words when I received his letter. lwbeflebfwle!!