When scientists speak of the theory of evolution, they have flawless truth, and evidence.
When they speak of a big bang, they know it happened, they just theorize on what caused it.
When they speak of divine creation, since they can find no evidence, they tell you it's ignorant to believe.
When they speak of human evolution, they have a Missing Link (one that hasn't been found, hence the first name Missing) but they ask you to believe, they one day will find one.
Everything around us is masculine or feminine, sometimes, when they touch, they're both.
The masculine flows within the feminine as the feminine swims around the masculine.
It is the way of things.
In the Beforethebeginning, there was no light, no love, there were just two objects floating through a vast nothingness. Two opposite beings (masculine/feminine, positive/negative, northpole/southpole, call them what you wish) being drawn to each other from across a seemingly infinite void. Faster and faster still, exponentially faster, faster than the speed of light (for there was no light to judge nor distance that could be measured) until they met into an explosion of being, This is the end of the Beforethebeginning, Bang badabigbangboom, and here is the Beginning.
Take it where YOU want from there, it's your world you shape around you.
When they speak of a big bang, they know it happened, they just theorize on what caused it.
When they speak of divine creation, since they can find no evidence, they tell you it's ignorant to believe.
When they speak of human evolution, they have a Missing Link (one that hasn't been found, hence the first name Missing) but they ask you to believe, they one day will find one.
Everything around us is masculine or feminine, sometimes, when they touch, they're both.
The masculine flows within the feminine as the feminine swims around the masculine.
It is the way of things.
In the Beforethebeginning, there was no light, no love, there were just two objects floating through a vast nothingness. Two opposite beings (masculine/feminine, positive/negative, northpole/southpole, call them what you wish) being drawn to each other from across a seemingly infinite void. Faster and faster still, exponentially faster, faster than the speed of light (for there was no light to judge nor distance that could be measured) until they met into an explosion of being, This is the end of the Beforethebeginning, Bang badabigbangboom, and here is the Beginning.
Take it where YOU want from there, it's your world you shape around you.
I like the way you speak, better: write.