There are very few, if any, natural forces of energy that are circular, they're either sine waves or variations of ellipses. The earth, the sun, the moon, the stars, galaxies, universes and even sub atomic particles, all follow an elliptical orbit around they're gravitational centers.
So why, why do we consider, the cycles of life to be circular?
There's 13 lunar passes of the earth a year, so why do we only have 12 signs of the zodiac?
Why do we belittle and defile ancient "pagan" practices, but give them different names and use them in "modern" "true" religions?
The burning of sage is looked upon as a ritual of heathens, yet the Pope blesses his church with frankincense and myrrh.
All religions have stories of animals or animal spirits, communicating with and influencing the course of human history and its spiritual growth, yet each one will laugh at the others variation.
2 + 2 = 4, II and II equals IV, both are true, both are the same, yet one gets tossed aside as ancient silliness while the other taken as fact, except in those circumstances where mysticism needs to be employed or played upon.
There is not a single word given to humans, by The Great Mystery of Life, that hasn't been bastardized and manipulated by humans to control or subdue.
The truths are hidden in plain sight.The truths are inside you, shadowed by the "truths" of others.
I believe in a God and a Goddess, a masculine and a feminine force of creation, 2 beings whose form can be seen in the night sky and the earth we walk upon. I believe there was a Big Bang, but it was really a huge fucking orgasm, an orgasm so immense it gave rise to the light of the stars and the solidity of matter.
I believe that where we come from doesn't matter, it's where they do that does.
Now I'll pose to all you learned scholarly scientific types this query, Suppose there weren't any dinosaurs roaming the earth millions of years ago, suppose the universe was really only created 10,000 years and not millenniums ago, suppose that all those bones and artifacts and mathematical computations derived from the movements of the sun and space and countless years of mans need to "understand" are all wrong, suppose they're just practical jokes, given by a Divine Creator, just to fuck with ya.
There is nothing made by man that isn't outshined by even the simplest of natures wonders.
There is nothing made of man that does not pale in comparison to a single falling tear.