I saw a bumper sticker today that just said "Enduring Freedom".
It made me laugh because both the definitions that ran through my twisted Gemini mind, made no sense to me at all.
The first definition, the one I guess some political hack meant, as a really cool slogan for we're gonna fuck shit up now, was that, Freedom has the ability to endure and we're gonna help it.
It does not.
Freedom, just is! It has no ability to appear or fade, it has no desire to change into anything else, and no matter how hard someone may try to change it, they can't, not because it can endure, just because it is what it is. {much like Popeye who in his own words declared " Iyam what Iyam" but I digress...}
The other definition, went on a complete totalitarian trip, that one being, that the individuat, who's car it was, was stating that they "were enduring freedom". Are they waiting for theirs to be taken away so they can be happy? See? No sense.
This made me think just how silly some terminologies or ideas truly are. For instance, there is no bad karma. Sorry! There's just - Karma. It is neither good nor bad, it's fuel, energy, wavelengths. It's what humans do with it, that is either good or bad.
If you were given a gallon of gas(karma), and you burned that gas to give heat to someone cold, or cook food for dinner, well that's good. The gas is still gas, it's the action that has, in this case. a good conclusion, Now, using that gas to burn down your neighbors house or just generally be destructive, would achieve and evil conclusion.
Sex is the same way, if you have sex "with" someone, make love, procreate, or just enjoy a moment of stress reliving bliss "with" someone well that's not bad, it's when the line gets crossed into totaly selfish or violent acts, like rape or fucking (as in masturbating using someones body as your hand, not as in animal passion) someone you don't give a shit about, that sends out vibrations of pain and destruction. The sex itself does nothing, it's how it was enacted that implies it's morality.
It's akin to having a loaded gun on a table, it's nothing. Left to it's own design it's just metals and chemicals, but put a human in the mix and that's when things get interesting. If the gun is untouched, then there's a neutral outcome, if it's picked up and used to gather food for the tribe in winter, that's not a bad thing, if it's used to kill a member of the tribe or steal from them, well that's not so great.The gun itself made no choices and was just a tool for the human to gain his ends.
I could use a spoon to feed you soup and help you get well, or shove it down your throat and end you, either way, the spoon is still. just a spoon.
It made me laugh because both the definitions that ran through my twisted Gemini mind, made no sense to me at all.
The first definition, the one I guess some political hack meant, as a really cool slogan for we're gonna fuck shit up now, was that, Freedom has the ability to endure and we're gonna help it.
It does not.
Freedom, just is! It has no ability to appear or fade, it has no desire to change into anything else, and no matter how hard someone may try to change it, they can't, not because it can endure, just because it is what it is. {much like Popeye who in his own words declared " Iyam what Iyam" but I digress...}
The other definition, went on a complete totalitarian trip, that one being, that the individuat, who's car it was, was stating that they "were enduring freedom". Are they waiting for theirs to be taken away so they can be happy? See? No sense.
This made me think just how silly some terminologies or ideas truly are. For instance, there is no bad karma. Sorry! There's just - Karma. It is neither good nor bad, it's fuel, energy, wavelengths. It's what humans do with it, that is either good or bad.
If you were given a gallon of gas(karma), and you burned that gas to give heat to someone cold, or cook food for dinner, well that's good. The gas is still gas, it's the action that has, in this case. a good conclusion, Now, using that gas to burn down your neighbors house or just generally be destructive, would achieve and evil conclusion.
Sex is the same way, if you have sex "with" someone, make love, procreate, or just enjoy a moment of stress reliving bliss "with" someone well that's not bad, it's when the line gets crossed into totaly selfish or violent acts, like rape or fucking (as in masturbating using someones body as your hand, not as in animal passion) someone you don't give a shit about, that sends out vibrations of pain and destruction. The sex itself does nothing, it's how it was enacted that implies it's morality.
It's akin to having a loaded gun on a table, it's nothing. Left to it's own design it's just metals and chemicals, but put a human in the mix and that's when things get interesting. If the gun is untouched, then there's a neutral outcome, if it's picked up and used to gather food for the tribe in winter, that's not a bad thing, if it's used to kill a member of the tribe or steal from them, well that's not so great.The gun itself made no choices and was just a tool for the human to gain his ends.
I could use a spoon to feed you soup and help you get well, or shove it down your throat and end you, either way, the spoon is still. just a spoon.