Since it's technically fall and today the weather matches I thought I'd write a blog about my summer.
Well, about 2 weeks after my kitty, Tyler, passed away I was rear ended.

I ended up with whiplash and have been in physical therapy for months. I actually just found out from the MRI I had done last Friday that I have a couple herniated and torn discs and a few other issues. Needless to say, I am still in pain. I had to quit kickball because right now I'm not allowed to run, bend, lift etc. I have an appointment with a lawyer on Tuesday.
Speaking of Tyler, wysh's father painted me this picture of him.

I got to meet Charlie Adlard, artist for The Walking Dead. He signed my comics.

I spent 4th of July at rebel_rebel's downtown condo watching fireworks.

Then work started to get to me so I skipped a day and wysh and I explored a bit of Florida

One of my former client's owns a segway tour place so he took wysh and I on a free mini-tour. It was our first time on a segway. It was really easy and fun, even though it looks absolutely ridiculous.

I finally had enough at work. They refused to let me take a few weeks off to deal with my back issues so I just gave my notice instead. I spent a lot of time applying for jobs and drinking and hanging out.
At one of the bars that I did some of that drinking at wysh won me this weird fluffy stuffed cat wearing fatigues

But it was our friend's birthday so we decided he should have it.

I got a number of job offers and I finally settled on a non-profit. It was less money than most of the offers, but it felt like the right choice.
wysh decided that since I was about to have to return to the working world that we should have a summer vacation so we booked a room on South Beach and away we went.
On the way down we got to visit Ginary & Chera. We drank and played rock band and had a blast.

Their cats were even sweet.

Ginary & Chera being the super awesome people that they are let us crash in their guest room.
Then we made our way to Miami so I could get some dunnies signed by Huck Gee He was the real reason we decided to go to Miami as opposed to somewhere else

We spent the rest of our time in Miami relaxing, drinking, eating, going to the beach and just walking everywhere. We parked our car when we arrived and didn't get in it again until we were leaving 4 days later.

Then last weekend we decided to take out the toy camera's and visit The Senator

We also visited Mead Gardens and took pics. We still need to get the filmed developed but here are some pics from the digital.

And now we are up to now and time for me to clean my bathroom and go to the grocery store before Zombietoberfest tonight.
Well, about 2 weeks after my kitty, Tyler, passed away I was rear ended.

I ended up with whiplash and have been in physical therapy for months. I actually just found out from the MRI I had done last Friday that I have a couple herniated and torn discs and a few other issues. Needless to say, I am still in pain. I had to quit kickball because right now I'm not allowed to run, bend, lift etc. I have an appointment with a lawyer on Tuesday.
Speaking of Tyler, wysh's father painted me this picture of him.

I got to meet Charlie Adlard, artist for The Walking Dead. He signed my comics.

I spent 4th of July at rebel_rebel's downtown condo watching fireworks.

Then work started to get to me so I skipped a day and wysh and I explored a bit of Florida

One of my former client's owns a segway tour place so he took wysh and I on a free mini-tour. It was our first time on a segway. It was really easy and fun, even though it looks absolutely ridiculous.

I finally had enough at work. They refused to let me take a few weeks off to deal with my back issues so I just gave my notice instead. I spent a lot of time applying for jobs and drinking and hanging out.
At one of the bars that I did some of that drinking at wysh won me this weird fluffy stuffed cat wearing fatigues

But it was our friend's birthday so we decided he should have it.

I got a number of job offers and I finally settled on a non-profit. It was less money than most of the offers, but it felt like the right choice.
wysh decided that since I was about to have to return to the working world that we should have a summer vacation so we booked a room on South Beach and away we went.
On the way down we got to visit Ginary & Chera. We drank and played rock band and had a blast.

Their cats were even sweet.

Ginary & Chera being the super awesome people that they are let us crash in their guest room.
Then we made our way to Miami so I could get some dunnies signed by Huck Gee He was the real reason we decided to go to Miami as opposed to somewhere else

We spent the rest of our time in Miami relaxing, drinking, eating, going to the beach and just walking everywhere. We parked our car when we arrived and didn't get in it again until we were leaving 4 days later.

Then last weekend we decided to take out the toy camera's and visit The Senator

We also visited Mead Gardens and took pics. We still need to get the filmed developed but here are some pics from the digital.

And now we are up to now and time for me to clean my bathroom and go to the grocery store before Zombietoberfest tonight.
Hopefully, we will have time after this crazy holiday season.