So, Tuesday evening wysh and I decided to skate to meet rebel_rebel at his place so we could all ride to $1 burger night together.
Unfortunately, about 1/2 way there I hit a pretty serious hole that I didn't see due to it being an area that is not very well lit. When I hit the aforementioned hole I was launched from my board onto the curb / sidewalk. Worst part is my face is what broke my fall.
I bled a shit ton, my front tooth broke in half, scraped up my palms and shoulder and basically was pretty fucking scared. I do think the people at the Dunkin Donuts across the street were actually more scared than me. I can't even imagine watching something like that go down as I'm trying to get an iced coffee.
Anyway, wysh called rebel_rebel who came and picked us up and dropped us at my house. Then wysh took me to the emergency room where we spent the remainder of the night. Good thing is my CAT scan showed my head was basically fine and I was cleaned up, given a pain pill and told to see the dentist.
Wednesday, I went to the dentist and had to have a root canal done, where they left me with a hideous temporary cap. I go back on March 16th to get the permanent crown and hopefully be restored to my former self.
I didn't take a picture that night, but the swelling has gone down some, so here's my busted up lip as of today

Unfortunately, about 1/2 way there I hit a pretty serious hole that I didn't see due to it being an area that is not very well lit. When I hit the aforementioned hole I was launched from my board onto the curb / sidewalk. Worst part is my face is what broke my fall.
I bled a shit ton, my front tooth broke in half, scraped up my palms and shoulder and basically was pretty fucking scared. I do think the people at the Dunkin Donuts across the street were actually more scared than me. I can't even imagine watching something like that go down as I'm trying to get an iced coffee.
Anyway, wysh called rebel_rebel who came and picked us up and dropped us at my house. Then wysh took me to the emergency room where we spent the remainder of the night. Good thing is my CAT scan showed my head was basically fine and I was cleaned up, given a pain pill and told to see the dentist.
Wednesday, I went to the dentist and had to have a root canal done, where they left me with a hideous temporary cap. I go back on March 16th to get the permanent crown and hopefully be restored to my former self.
I didn't take a picture that night, but the swelling has gone down some, so here's my busted up lip as of today

Very good point.