Saturday night I split a bottle of Knob Creek Burbon with cup_cake, her girlfriend and Wysh and we watched goofy movies.
Sunday we shared Easter dinner.
Then yesterday I went to my first baseball game. Tampa Bay Rays vs. New York Yankees and we kicked the Yankees' asses...15 to 5.
To properly attend a baseball game according to Wysh I had to eat ballpark food and drink a beer.
I bought a ball cap. For some strange reason which I can't figure out it had a clover on the back. Does St. Pete have a rich Irish culture that I don't know about?

So I ate a hotdog, which is something I normally don't do.

I also drank a giant beer. Most people were drinking 12 oz beers but Wysh made me get the 24 oz. It was a better deal, I mean a 12 oz was $8.00 and for just $2 more I could get twice as much.

Of course, anybody that knows me knows that I don't drink beer. In the time it took me to finish the stadium had cleared out.

Sunday we shared Easter dinner.
Then yesterday I went to my first baseball game. Tampa Bay Rays vs. New York Yankees and we kicked the Yankees' asses...15 to 5.
To properly attend a baseball game according to Wysh I had to eat ballpark food and drink a beer.
I bought a ball cap. For some strange reason which I can't figure out it had a clover on the back. Does St. Pete have a rich Irish culture that I don't know about?

So I ate a hotdog, which is something I normally don't do.

I also drank a giant beer. Most people were drinking 12 oz beers but Wysh made me get the 24 oz. It was a better deal, I mean a 12 oz was $8.00 and for just $2 more I could get twice as much.

Of course, anybody that knows me knows that I don't drink beer. In the time it took me to finish the stadium had cleared out.

Whoa. That is a big beer. I don't think I could get through the 12 ouncer. It looks like MGD or something equally pisswater like. You are to be commended for your persistence. 

haha a friend of mine says hes from LA..... lower alabama lmao thats awesome