Atlantis, Mars, and Their People.
By: Percival Tulloon
Written on the eve of his Departure from this earth to the hereafter whatever that may be.
Atlantiss destruction:
Much to the dismay of the officials who ran the infamous continent, news came in from the subterranean Ministry of Mining (or at least thats the moniker I have bestowed upon them) that the entire continent was sinking. The term continent is used loosely. The Atlantis mainland was located between what we know as South America and the continent of Africa. Numerous islands and provinces surrounded the mainland and were under the Atlantian monarchys rule but the continent itself was smaller than Australia. The island was sinking much like Venice is now except at a much more rapid and ultimately catastrophic rate.
There was the shaking of earth. Much of the capital citys buildings crumbled to the ground. The main pyramid at the center of the entire continent shattered behind the force of the jets of water coming up from the ground. The city was evacuated. However evacuation in this instance is not what one may have a preconception of. For the love of Jove above, bear with me, I beg of you. The citys Capital was house to the cities most elite families, these families being of noble birth and in a position to rule the people they presided over so fairly, for the description of elite and the title of a leader was bestowed upon the most wise in any given area of importance. Outlining cities and provinces made their way toward the capital. The inhabitants of the surrounding islands sailed as far away from their home as possible. The peoples on the outskirts of the continents said their prayers for the success of the bold experiment about to be made further inland, and made out for the continents of what we now know as Africa and South America but at the time were known as the Home of the Gods. In two days time, just 48 eight hours since the initial destruction caused by geysers from the ocean traveling at ungodly speeds upward, the continent of Atlantis was beneath the ocean resting with the leviathan.
The Inhabitants:
The Loss of Atlantis was not without its casualties. Many families suffered losses when the geysers erupted. Some never survived the perilous journey to the Home of the Gods. Surrounding islands were taken below when the main continent sank. However, with the disappearance of a continent the casualties are not as high as one would imagine. I seem that during the last twelve hours of the continents existence 1500 people: men women and children were present in the capital cities main hall, the hall of Thoth. Within the next eleven hours fifteen ships departed from the main city and toward the sky above. These 15 ships departed Gods earth and entered the heavens above and went beyond. Of the 1500 hundred persons, in all 1222 made it to the intended destination. Two ships were lost during the journey. One ship suffered mechanical failure and one attempted reentry into earths atmosphere. It failed. The ships, however ever impossible it may seem were designed and engineered by the finest scientists the kingdom of Atlantis offered. An expedition to the planet the called Selohad, which we now call Mars, had been in mid stages of planning when catastrophe struck the continent.
The Ships:
These ships were propelled forth by a substance that by todays standards is unperceivable. The called it No Matter, and the science behind it would go on at a length entirely too perverse for a fools memoir. These ships were as I said designed for expeditions to Mars and were not designed for reentry. The expeditions were to be undergone by citizens of Atlantis willing to give their life in the name of science. Findings were intended to be sent back through a magnetic system not dissimilar to todays telegraph. Since their departure and successful arrival on Mars. The Atlantians have furthered their studies and have made great leaps indeed in the science of space flight.
I wrote this with the intention of educating the world. Lights of unknown origin have been scene in the sky above London and recent reports suggest similar happenings in Her Majestys India and America. I leave you with this message my doubtful audience. Do not fear the lights. Embrace what they have to say. Tomorrow night I depart. I walk into the light honored by the blessing. They still recognize willingness to learn and tomorrow I will be awarded. Goodbye and to the rest of humanity. Godspeed.
By: Percival Tulloon
Written on the eve of his Departure from this earth to the hereafter whatever that may be.
Atlantiss destruction:
Much to the dismay of the officials who ran the infamous continent, news came in from the subterranean Ministry of Mining (or at least thats the moniker I have bestowed upon them) that the entire continent was sinking. The term continent is used loosely. The Atlantis mainland was located between what we know as South America and the continent of Africa. Numerous islands and provinces surrounded the mainland and were under the Atlantian monarchys rule but the continent itself was smaller than Australia. The island was sinking much like Venice is now except at a much more rapid and ultimately catastrophic rate.
There was the shaking of earth. Much of the capital citys buildings crumbled to the ground. The main pyramid at the center of the entire continent shattered behind the force of the jets of water coming up from the ground. The city was evacuated. However evacuation in this instance is not what one may have a preconception of. For the love of Jove above, bear with me, I beg of you. The citys Capital was house to the cities most elite families, these families being of noble birth and in a position to rule the people they presided over so fairly, for the description of elite and the title of a leader was bestowed upon the most wise in any given area of importance. Outlining cities and provinces made their way toward the capital. The inhabitants of the surrounding islands sailed as far away from their home as possible. The peoples on the outskirts of the continents said their prayers for the success of the bold experiment about to be made further inland, and made out for the continents of what we now know as Africa and South America but at the time were known as the Home of the Gods. In two days time, just 48 eight hours since the initial destruction caused by geysers from the ocean traveling at ungodly speeds upward, the continent of Atlantis was beneath the ocean resting with the leviathan.
The Inhabitants:
The Loss of Atlantis was not without its casualties. Many families suffered losses when the geysers erupted. Some never survived the perilous journey to the Home of the Gods. Surrounding islands were taken below when the main continent sank. However, with the disappearance of a continent the casualties are not as high as one would imagine. I seem that during the last twelve hours of the continents existence 1500 people: men women and children were present in the capital cities main hall, the hall of Thoth. Within the next eleven hours fifteen ships departed from the main city and toward the sky above. These 15 ships departed Gods earth and entered the heavens above and went beyond. Of the 1500 hundred persons, in all 1222 made it to the intended destination. Two ships were lost during the journey. One ship suffered mechanical failure and one attempted reentry into earths atmosphere. It failed. The ships, however ever impossible it may seem were designed and engineered by the finest scientists the kingdom of Atlantis offered. An expedition to the planet the called Selohad, which we now call Mars, had been in mid stages of planning when catastrophe struck the continent.
The Ships:
These ships were propelled forth by a substance that by todays standards is unperceivable. The called it No Matter, and the science behind it would go on at a length entirely too perverse for a fools memoir. These ships were as I said designed for expeditions to Mars and were not designed for reentry. The expeditions were to be undergone by citizens of Atlantis willing to give their life in the name of science. Findings were intended to be sent back through a magnetic system not dissimilar to todays telegraph. Since their departure and successful arrival on Mars. The Atlantians have furthered their studies and have made great leaps indeed in the science of space flight.
I wrote this with the intention of educating the world. Lights of unknown origin have been scene in the sky above London and recent reports suggest similar happenings in Her Majestys India and America. I leave you with this message my doubtful audience. Do not fear the lights. Embrace what they have to say. Tomorrow night I depart. I walk into the light honored by the blessing. They still recognize willingness to learn and tomorrow I will be awarded. Goodbye and to the rest of humanity. Godspeed.