I once was a lad no bigger than you. Then I traveled to a land visited by few. Here I met a witch woman and she saw to it I grew. And So I did big and strong. I saved her land from the an angry mob. She taught me magick, she taught me tricks, she taught me the stars and how to find water...
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Shit i gotta update this more often. Maybe I should post some of my blogs from myspace.
I start back at school on monday. i went today to further my debt toward the school. I'm also struggling with the fact that i need somthing new in my life. like a purpose or somthing I'm feeling old.
Today i put in motion the events that will lead to me going back to school. I will be going to the the UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS PAN AMAERICA.. It is there where i will be majoring on psychology and minoring in sociology. I'm not sure if i'll finish school with this round of attendence thats coming up. The future isn't looking to bright for any...
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nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BATMAN!
I'm stoked for the dvd release.
I'm stoked for the dvd release.
I'm back
excellent!!! VERY GOOD!!! 4 day pass???
Knights of CHOLOs represent.
I'm off to NOLA tonight. be back in texas in a few days.
I started back at school recently. I thank God for my little niche in the corner of the campus where I have food friends and a PS2 to pass the time between classes.
