As a piercer's apprentice you become aware of how much of a person you really breast or penis's or vagina's as well as the norm like ears, lips...and you realize how much of a professional profession it is. I have always been uncomfortable gettin pierced in the past by piercer's who I didn't trust/like...and now I know why.
I am also aware of...
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As a piercer's apprentice you become aware of how much of a person you really breast or penis's or vagina's as well as the norm like ears, lips...and you realize how much of a professional profession it is. I have always been uncomfortable gettin pierced in the past by piercer's who I didn't trust/like...and now I know why.
I am also aware of...
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Not to much to post about on any site that I am on at the moment but I felt that this site might appreciate the fact that I am a piercer's apprentice!!! My piercer's name is Shimp and he has been a piercer for 15 years AND is an RN!! I feel like I am gettin the best of both worlds not to mention all...
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Haven't been on this site very much...come to think of it I haven't been on online in a LONG time! Too busy with sleeping and working and eating. Haha.

Whomever has the ability to change the passwords on my online accounts really are having fun deleting stuff, and sending emails to groups that I do not wish to be apart of...
...Can't wait to get them bakc for this!...
...Can't wait to get them bakc for this!...

Pics of me
So I look at my profile on SG today and I noticed that EVERYTHING other than the SG fave pics and such are GONE! All my blogs, friend, pic, EVERYTHING!!!! WHAT THE %$#@!!!???
that is shitty!
how have you been?
how have you been?
wow, yeah...that sucks. i had noticed that you werent on my friends list anymore but wasnt sure what was goin on...ah well, glad that your back.

Pro-choice vs. Pro-Life....GET OVER IT! JEEZ! Why is this topic such a fucking interest to everyone??
Why does a Pro-Life person give two shits about what a Pro-Choice person does to their body?? What's next? Outlawing tatts? Piercings? Shitting in private? Come on!
If you are Pro-Life, good for you. If you are Pro-Choice, good for you. But no matter what, you are intitled to...
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Why does a Pro-Life person give two shits about what a Pro-Choice person does to their body?? What's next? Outlawing tatts? Piercings? Shitting in private? Come on!
If you are Pro-Life, good for you. If you are Pro-Choice, good for you. But no matter what, you are intitled to...
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I saw a guy that looked like a guy I knew in high school that was my best friend/ crush and I almost cried! I had a huge crush on him and then once we told eachother how we felt I was sent to live with my father 2 hours away. I never saw him again... I must admitt that I still have a soft...
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Went and saw 28 weeks later wasn't half bad! Also went tanning...I'm not sure why I like to go tanning even after knowing all the risk involved AND seeing Final Destination 3...but I love it. It feels nice and I like being darked than pale...haha
SG is kind of lonely sometimes...
SG is kind of lonely sometimes...

I have had a great few days. I have alot of projects goin on that I am excited about and can't wait to show them off...but they will have to be a secret for now just incase it takes me forever to finish them all. I have been drawing and reading and writting and about to go see a counsler about going to school...
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I haven't posted a blog in what seems like forever...just haven't had much to say...