I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you tomorrow, Love. There are quite a few people that can relate, but i'm one of them. Life goes on though man. They can take your freedom away only in the physical sense, cause our minds always run free. I was at this party the other day talking to this kid that was so fucking angry, He was facing 25-life because of this shoot-out he was involved in, That makes a few months or a few years sound petty, Made my problems seem miniscule. If you need a penpal when you're locked up, Let me now, I know i could use one when i get locked up next month, Its only a few weeks away now and my anxiety keeps rising, fuck, anyways really i just wanted to let you know i'll be thinking about you tomorrow, keep me posted on what happens.
Love, Lil
hey stranger! ive missed you. my fingers, toes and hair are all crossed for you. as lil said, if you need an overseas writer, im up there with ya. all my love babe.
Love, Lil