Ok I've been a little out of it.Had a little mishap that sent me to the E room last Sat.Its a little embarising but Fuckit Everyone over does it some times.I know I have problems.I guess my mom didn't like the shade of blue I was turning so she called the EMTsI tryed to play it off and went to work the next Mon.that was a big mistake.lost the feeling in my right foot that sucked.I'm fine.I'm not lucky enough to die peacefully,somthing horrible is going to take me out one of these days
All kiding aside I all ways bounce back.I'm ready to party some more
sorry to hear about the e-room adventure. it happens to the bet of us.. hope you're feeling better
hehe, just kidding
damn, that's pretty fucked. ready to party some more?! come on, just behave damn it.