Last Sat. was cool.I was only able to hang out for a few hours.My friend showed up and needed to take a spin to the pit.Worcester is a bad city for me Too much temptation!All you SG Boston kids were real nice.I hope to catch you guys again some time.I had to leave early.I missed all the real fun.My "Pal"had to take off.He kinda pisses me off but I've know him since High school. He's having a tough time I am too misery loves company.I tryed to get him to stay longer but he had his girls car and I was wicked jammed any way(I doubt anyone noticed)He's a fucking fair weather friend but he's hard core and can hang, he knows the game.He gets high on my dime way too often.It's allways been that way.Fuckit he drives we enable each other.I'm way off on a tangent.Any fucking way to all the SG Boston kids I hope to see ya at the next local event

hey dude, i am back. you need to stay outa trouble
just wanted to pop in and say hello !