I was In rare form this past sunday I got so hammered I lost my walit in my boys jeep I don't rember the ride home.My buddy found it but hasn't droped it off yet,the asshole.I'm glad I didn't really lose It there were pictures I couldn't replace and my ID.Other than that It was a good weekend.Monday sucked Superior court.My Lawyer was out sick so I didn't find out if my motion to suppress went through.Wasted trip to Boston.I'll be there next month and the one after that hopefully this shit has draging on for over a year.On my way home I bought a pack of butts off a kid in the street(butts at south station are 7$!)then the kid and I got to talking.Dude was like "hey you do drugs"I said yah but I didn't have any.his next question was where to go to cop.Next thing you know we are walking down the street to china town(I had some time to kill befor my train got to the station.)the kid offered to split a bag with me his treat but dude only had 14$and I had to catch a train.I'm so fucked in the head I wonder how things would have turned out if I had my walit that was holding all my cash(witch is still in my friends jeep!)I can't be fucking around like that!That fucking monkey

if i had enough money i would buy a qo and do it all in 3 shots... that would help for a few minutes anyway.