wow my head hurts.after i finish my eggos and oj i have to go to work!............6:00pm..OK I'm back from work.Long fuckn day!I'm happy the weather is getting so nice
But monday its gonna rain so I'll be back inside
I went out with friends last night.(thats why my head was hurting so bad this morning).It was kinda lame.Me my buddy and this copple he knows went to this poolhall/club type thing.(Rack and Roll?)At first it wasn't to bad.We started off playing pool.I was kinda jamed so I wasn't playing so good but I didn't buddys friends seemed like a copple of nice kids.The table next to us was ocupied buy a few cute lookn girls,so I said hi and one of them was into it.Shortly after that things got a little stupid.This lonely little geek came over and started pestering us. I thought at first........shit I have to finish this later