Ski. Every day. All the time.
When I was younger (and my parents were paying for things) I would ski every time I could find a free moment. There is something profoundly freeing about gliding effortlessly over cloud-soft powder or a slick, groomed run. I used to love going skiing with friends and bonding over the freedom that we feel on the mountain.
Now, though, I prefer the serenity of skiing alone in the middle of a weekday when the hills are empty. I can work through my thoughts or think nothing at all. I can put a lot of effort into my form and really tuck into the turns or I can simply let gravity pull me down the mountain. It's almost like a yogic moving meditation. I also really like the poetic metaphor for life that I act out while I ski. There are infinite ways to get down the mountain; there are infinite modes of expression in life. And yet, no matter what path I take down the mountain, I can never change the mountain itself. It was there before me and will be there long after I'm gone. In that way life is eternal and unchanging while also being temporary and unpredictable.
Sorry. Off topic a little, but yeah if I had time and financial means, I would ski every single day for the rest of my life.
@missy @rambo