hey hey, look at that, my account has not ended as i thought it might, or should. that leads me to believe that someone out there bought me a gift account, or sg has messed up and let me stay on way longer than i origianlly paid for. either way, i still get to rant and rave on this scenic web site.
so-i'm seeing a shrink now. he has diognosed me with severe depression, dysthyrei and severe anxiety disorder. apparently i also hate people. i think he called that one being a scheezoid, not to be confused with schizo. so, yeah, now we have names for the reason i like to sleep all day and hide from the world. huray!
so-i'm seeing a shrink now. he has diognosed me with severe depression, dysthyrei and severe anxiety disorder. apparently i also hate people. i think he called that one being a scheezoid, not to be confused with schizo. so, yeah, now we have names for the reason i like to sleep all day and hide from the world. huray!