I'm sitting here, in sunny California watching water fall from the sky. I know it isn't snow, but still, I've been reading a bunch of posts from other people saying how they wish they were here. Well, I'm here to tell you, winter is winter no matter where you are. Well, that isn't entirely true. Its summer time in Australia. So if you really despise the cold, migrate, otherwise, deal with it. I personally love the cold. If it were up to me, I'd migrate south for the summer and north for the winter. Ahhhhhhhh, I love this shit. I was supposed to go have another foto shoot with mislilly today, but that isn't going to happen because of the rain. Again, it would have been out doors and really muddy and wet. I'm totally all for getting muddy and wet, but she isn't. So its off to have some corporate whore coffee. mosoltov bitches
I apologize for my inconstant moodiness, but I'm quite sure you like it. You come back for more.
There are some things better left unsaid. I'm learning that lesson.
Do you think it inappropriate for a girl to ask to be fucked?
Do you think it's wrong on the 2nd date?
If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?
If there is a hereafter, would you send me a sign?
As for favorite pez flavor, what would yours be?
~Still you tuant me with phrases and apathy~