it's been four months since i last updated. holidays are hectic. the company i work for just laid off like 300 employees. fortunately, my wife and i were not laid off. five people in my department were, and one from hers. that sort of thing kind of makes one step back and look at what's going on in their life. i have an overblown mortgage, car payment, loan payment and a credit card payment with a cherry on top. if we were to get laid off, we'd definately loose the condo. of course we weren't eligible for any of the home buyers stimulus, or the loan modifications going around. that kind of makes me mad. we are actually making our payments, like responsible adults and they bail out all those assholes who couldn't manage their own banks, and the idiots who bought homes, but couldn't afford them. it's like the government is rewarding stupidity. like attracts like i suppose.
the band is supposed to try out a keyboard player later today. hopefully they set it up. i think it will be fun to jam with a keyboard player. i've never done it before. most bass players are affraid of keyboard players. especially their left hand. (plays the lower notes) i'm not though. my bass style is sort of like Matt Freeman's (Rancid's bass player) he was the reason i decided to play the bass, so i try to blend his style with my own. i'm more scared for the keyboard player. i'm probably going to step all over him. i play more notes in one song than most bassists play on a whole album. and, since we've lost our drummer and our lead guitarist had to start playing the drums, i've had to step it up more and become sort of a lead bass player. our vocalist/rythem guitar player isn't very confident about her guitar skills, and is affraid to try to take a solo, or play anthing other than rythem chords. so i've modified some of my bass lines to include what our lead guitarist used to play, to supplement the rythem guitar. plus i have to take the lead parts. i'm not that great of a lead though. i can play scales like nobody's buisiness, but they never sound like leads, just kind of like fast basslines. i suppose that's all a lead is anyway-a scale with some bends and hammer-ons. hopefully the keyboard player can start doing some leads and i can tone it down a bit. i'm not as animated when i have to play as hard as i have been.
so my neck is still kicking my ass. i had to call in sick on friday because i woke up at 3 am with a neck/head ache and wasn't able to fall asleep again until about 10 minutes before my alarm went off. i woke up again at 7 am this morning with another screaming neck/headache. this time, it was the other side of my neck. i've been using heating pads and ib profin, but that's not working so well. i took a left over tramadol from when i had a tooth pulled yesterday, and that worked for a while, but when it started wearing off, i started to get all itchy like a heroin addict. i've always been mildly allergic to pain meds. they'll kill the pain, but i always get all itchy, which is almost worst. the wife wants me to see the doctor, but i'm sure all he's going to do is perscribe me some muscle relaxers, take some x-rays, (even though it's a muscle problem) and tell me nothing is wrong like every other time i've complained of neck pain. then they'll say i'm not sitting right at my computer or some crap. i don't like rx drugs, so i don't want to see the doc. if only weed relaxed muscles. i'd be set.
k, so noone's going to read this cuz it's way too long. if you do, sorry about the ranting, but i enjoy journalling my strife. it's therepuedic.
the band is supposed to try out a keyboard player later today. hopefully they set it up. i think it will be fun to jam with a keyboard player. i've never done it before. most bass players are affraid of keyboard players. especially their left hand. (plays the lower notes) i'm not though. my bass style is sort of like Matt Freeman's (Rancid's bass player) he was the reason i decided to play the bass, so i try to blend his style with my own. i'm more scared for the keyboard player. i'm probably going to step all over him. i play more notes in one song than most bassists play on a whole album. and, since we've lost our drummer and our lead guitarist had to start playing the drums, i've had to step it up more and become sort of a lead bass player. our vocalist/rythem guitar player isn't very confident about her guitar skills, and is affraid to try to take a solo, or play anthing other than rythem chords. so i've modified some of my bass lines to include what our lead guitarist used to play, to supplement the rythem guitar. plus i have to take the lead parts. i'm not that great of a lead though. i can play scales like nobody's buisiness, but they never sound like leads, just kind of like fast basslines. i suppose that's all a lead is anyway-a scale with some bends and hammer-ons. hopefully the keyboard player can start doing some leads and i can tone it down a bit. i'm not as animated when i have to play as hard as i have been.
so my neck is still kicking my ass. i had to call in sick on friday because i woke up at 3 am with a neck/head ache and wasn't able to fall asleep again until about 10 minutes before my alarm went off. i woke up again at 7 am this morning with another screaming neck/headache. this time, it was the other side of my neck. i've been using heating pads and ib profin, but that's not working so well. i took a left over tramadol from when i had a tooth pulled yesterday, and that worked for a while, but when it started wearing off, i started to get all itchy like a heroin addict. i've always been mildly allergic to pain meds. they'll kill the pain, but i always get all itchy, which is almost worst. the wife wants me to see the doctor, but i'm sure all he's going to do is perscribe me some muscle relaxers, take some x-rays, (even though it's a muscle problem) and tell me nothing is wrong like every other time i've complained of neck pain. then they'll say i'm not sitting right at my computer or some crap. i don't like rx drugs, so i don't want to see the doc. if only weed relaxed muscles. i'd be set.
k, so noone's going to read this cuz it's way too long. if you do, sorry about the ranting, but i enjoy journalling my strife. it's therepuedic.
Who did you end up getting married to??
Ugh, i feel like neck pain is probably one of the hardest to diagnose because it could be muscular or spinal or even some of the veins/arteries that run down the neck that could be causing the problems. I hate that Dr's now days dont even look at you, just throw some pills at you and expect that to fix it. They dont take the time to diagnose or understand or even LISTEN to the patients anymore.. it all about the allmighty $$$$, which is sad. Have you tried getting a regular neck massage? Maybe a chiropractor can adjust it?
I hope things are going well, since this last update in feb. Take care, stay positive and see ya around