i just came home from camping and let me tell you, that was the trip from hel. my father's birthday is today, the 21st and we went up to twin lakes to camp from thurs to sun. apparently my car doesn't do so well in high elevation. it overheated four times climbing the summit (9,300 ft.) we brought the dogs with us which is always a pain in the ass. right when we got to the campgrounds (mono village) my parents dogs locked them out of thier car with the car still running. my father ended up breaking a window to get back in. we set up camp and slept. i had to limp my car back into town to get the thermostat replaced. it could have been worse, the guy only charged me ninty six dollars. then i went back to camp. my father had broken his favorite fishing reel that day, so i went to a bait shop and got him another. it was actually a pretty decent reel and replaced his old one rather well. i tried to go fishing with him and my brother in law that evening with the lady as well. she could cast very well and was frustrating my brother in law. my father and him ditched us. we didn't catch anything that night, but i kinda enjoyed trying to teach her how to fish for trout. the next day i went stream fishing with my father and bro in law. we saw a rather large bear on the way to the stream. he didn't bother us though. we ended up catching about ten to twenty fish each. we weren't really counting because they were all very small and we were catching and releasing. that night two bears ransacked our campground drinking most of our guiness and some whisky and vodka. i think it ate some metemusal also. so we had to clean that up, break down camp and come home. my car only overheated three times on the way back. it took us eight hours to get home where it should have taken us four. my dad found out that his window is going to cost over two hundred dollars to fix. that was a damn expensive camping trip.
happy birthday!